Press Releases

June 15, 2020

Today, the U.S. Supreme Court overturned a lower court decision that limited the U.S. Forest Service’s authority to issue a permit to the Atlantic Coast Pipeline (ACP)

June 8, 2020

Hop Hopkins, Director of Strategic Partnerships for Sierra Club is out with a powerful piece in Sierra Magazine detailing the inextricable connection between the climate crisis and white supremacy. In the piece, he details the intersectionality between the white colonizermentality, slavery, ongoing structural racism, the modern plundering of our planet, and the murder of George Floyd by Minneappolis police.

June 5, 2020

Washington, DC— Today as the country faces an uprising for racial justice and ongoing pandemic, the Trump administration’s Department of the Interior released its Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) in efforts to strip critical protections in the Migratory Bird Treaty Act.

June 5, 2020

WASHINGTON, DC - Leaders of four organizations from across the progressive spectrum released the following statement today demonstrating unity and support for protecting Black lives and protestors who have taken to the streets. The following statement can be attributed to Service Employees International Union International President Mary Kay Henry, NAACP President and CEO Derrick Johnson, Planned Parenthood Acting President Alexis McGill Johnson and Sierra Club Executive Director Michael Brune:

June 5, 2020

Boston, MA— Today as the country faces an uprising for racial justice and ongoing pandemic, President Trump announced he will effectively eliminate protections for Northeast Canyons and Seamounts National Monuments in the Atlantic Ocean off the East Coast. The rollback will allow commercial fisheries to operate in the marine sanctuary— home to endangered coral and fish— and comes on World Environment Day.

5 de junio de 2020

William Barr ha demostrado su incompetencia para servir como el principal funcionario jurídico del país desde el día en que fue confirmado.

June 4, 2020

WASHINGTON, DC -- Earlier this week, reports revealed that Attorney General William Barr gave the order to forcibly remove peaceful protesters outside of the White House. Barr’s directive led to a violent attack on the peaceful protesters, including the use of tear gas, pepper bullets, and batons. Barr has a well-documented record of opposing civil rights and in 2019, the Sierra Club released a statement opposing Barr’s confirmation as Attorney General.

June 3, 2020

Salt Lake City, UT-- Last night, the Salt Lake City District School board passed a resolution unanimously establishing the goal of transitioning the school district to 100% clean electricity by 2030, and off of fossil fuels for heating and transportation by 2040. This effort was led by students from Salt Lake's three major high schools, in collaboration with Utah Sierra Club and Sierra Club's Climate Parents program.

2 de junio de 2020

“Nuestra humanidad compartida está profundamente conectada y el racismo en nuestra sociedad es una amenaza directa l progreso ambiental. El Sierra Club se niega a apartarse mientras nuestros vecinos afroamericanos y latinos son asesinados por policías racistas”.

June 2, 2020

Washington, DC -- Last night, peaceful protesters outside the White House were violently attacked for demanding that Black lives matter. Last year, the Sierra Club joined with a coalition of environmental justice and national environmental groups to release a just and equitable national climate platform that centers racial, climate, and environmental justice.