Declaración del Sierra Club sobre la Violencia Estatal de Trump contra los Manifestantes


Javier Sierra,, 703.927.4750

(English follows)

Washington, DC — Anoche, manifestantes pacíficos fuera de la Casa Blanca fueron reprimidos por exigir que las vidas de los afroamericanos cuentan. El año pasado, el Sierra Club se unió a una coalición de grupos de justicia ambiental y ecológicos para emitir una plataforma climática nacional justa y equitativa centrada en la justicia racial, climática y ambiental.

Y en el mes pasado, el Sierra Club emitió declaraciones de condena contra la brutalidad policial y los asesinatos de Admaud Arbery, Breona Taylor y George Floyd, mientras nuestra comunidad se esfuerza por confrontar este momento.

Como respuesta, el director ejecutivo del Sierra Club, Michael Brune, emitió la siguiente declaración:

“Donald Trump declaró que usaría a los militares para prevenir las protestas pacíficas. Sin embrago, fracasó en equipar a los trabajadores de primera línea para combatir la COVID-19. Se jacta de proteger la ley y el orden, pero rechaza exigir la ley y el orden cuando supremacistas blancos emplean tácticas militaristas de intimidación. Y en medio de las protestas, posa frente a históricos templos religiosos, pero se le escapa que debe tratar a otros como él quiere que le traten.

“No podemos cumplir con nuestra misión de reclutar a la humanidad para proteger el planeta mientras el racismo continúa dividiéndonos. No puede haber justicia climática sin un fin al racismo contra afroamericanos y a la supremacía blanca que permite que contaminadores creen zonas de sacrificio ecológico.

“Nuestra humanidad compartida está profundamente conectada y el racismo en nuestra sociedad es una amenaza directa al progreso ambiental. El Sierra Club se niega a apartarse mientras nuestros vecinos afroamericanos y latinos son asesinados por policías racistas”.


Sierra Club’s Statement on Trump’s State-Sanctioned Violence Against Protesters

Washington, DC -- Last night, peaceful protesters outside the White House were violently attacked for demanding that Black lives matter. Last year, the Sierra Club joined with a coalition of environmental justice and national environmental groups to release a just and equitable national climate platform that centers racial, climate, and environmental justice. And in the past month, the Sierra Club has issued statements condemning police brutality and the violent murders of Admaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor and George Floyd as our community continues its efforts to grow to meet this moment.

In response, Sierra Club Executive Director Michael Brune released the following statement: 

“Protesters across the country are marching to affirm the humanity of Black people and expose the racism and hatred embedded into a system that relies on Black inferiority. Yesterday, we witnessed the Commander in Chief issue an assault on our First Amendment rights, but this attack is only a fraction of the pain and trauma that Black people have endured since the founding of this country. 

“Donald Trump declared he would arm the military to prevent peaceful protests, yet he failed to arm frontline workers to combat COVID-19. He boasts of upholding law and order, but fails to demand law and order when white supremacists employ militarized intimidation tactics. And in the midst of civil unrest, he poses in front of historic places of worship, but fails to comprehend the golden rule. 

“We can't fulfill our mission to ‘enlist humanity’ to protect the planet while racism continues to divide us. There can be no climate justice without an end to the anti-Blackness and white supremacy that empowers polluters to create environmental sacrifice zones.

“Our collective humanity is deeply connected and racism in our society is a direct threat to our environmental progress. The Sierra Club refuses to idly stand by as our Black and Brown neighbors and friends are murdered by racist policing.”


About the Sierra Club

The Sierra Club is America’s largest and most influential grassroots environmental organization, with more than 3.5 million members and supporters. In addition to protecting every person's right to get outdoors and access the healing power of nature, the Sierra Club works to promote clean energy, safeguard the health of our communities, protect wildlife, and preserve our remaining wild places through grassroots activism, public education, lobbying, and legal action. For more information, visit