Press Releases

August 22, 2020

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Today, the U.S. House of Representatives passed the bipartisan Delivering for America Act (H.R. 8015), introduced by Rep. Carolyn Maloney (NY-12), Chairwoman of the House Committee on Oversight and Reform. This bill will protect the integrity of the U.S. Postal Service and the upcoming election by restoring and maintaining reliable, timely services and halting the detrimental service changes Postmaster General Louis DeJoy implemented last month. During his testimony to the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, DeJoy confirmed that he will not replace the 671 mail sorting machines that have been removed since July. Each machine is capable of processing as many as 39,000 pieces of mail per hour.

August 21, 2020

The Wisconsin Public Service Commission voted today to once again extend the utility disconnection moratorium for residential customers until October 1, 2020. The commission decided 2-1 to extend the moratorium in order to safeguard the public health of Wisconsin residents during the COVID-19 health crisis. The PSC had voted on June 11 to end the moratorium on utility disconnections on July 25, but then voted on July 23 to extend the moratorium due to the risk to people’s lives from the rising COVID cases in the state.

21 de agosto de 2020

El ex vicepresidente Joe Biden aceptó anoche la nominación del Partido Demócrata a la presidencia de Estados Unidos. La semana pasada, el Sierra Club apoyó oficialmente a Biden, subrayando la fortaleza de su plan para atacar la crisis climática, y elogió su selección de Kamala Harris como su compañera de boleta.

August 20, 2020

Oakland, CA -- Tonight, former Vice President Joe Biden accepted the Democratic Party’s nomination for President of the United States. Last week, the Sierra Club endorsed Biden, highlighting the strength of his plan to tackle the climate crisis, and praised his selection of Senator Kamala Harris as his running mate.

August 20, 2020

El presidente del Sierra Club, Ramón Cruz, y el vicepresidente, Ross Macfarlane, enviaron una carta al presidente del Comité Demócrata Nacional (DNC), Tom Perez, en la que exigen que el lenguaje que incluye el fin de los subsidios a los combustibles fósiles sea reintegrado en la plataforma del partido.

August 20, 2020

Salt Lake City, UT -- Today, the Sierra Club’s Utah Chapter released a comprehensive legislative scoring on conservation and environmental issues of the 2020 Utah State legislature. The scorecard reviewed twenty bills addressing a swath of environmental and governance issues-- and revealed failing averages for the House and the Senate. The scorecard release comes  ahead of Utah's general elections, which include votes for Governor, the entire State House, and fifteen seats in the State Senate. 

August 3, 2020

The First 50 Coalition, a broad alliance of environmental, social justice and civic groups committed to equitable sustainability in Central Florida, released an energy study that shows transitioning away from coal and gas to renewable energy would save Orlando ratepayers $176 million over the next two decades, providing a clear path for Mayor Buddy Dyer and the City Council to make good on their 2017 promise to lead Orlando to a 100% renewable energy future.

August 20, 2020

Washington, DC -- Today, Sierra Club President Ramón Cruz and Vice President Ross Macfarlane sent Democratic National Committee (DNC) Chair Tom Perez a letter demanding language calling for an end to tax breaks and subsidies for the fossil fuel industry be immediately reinstated in the Party’s platform. 

August 20, 2020

NATIONWIDE -- Today, the Sierra Club, Plug In America, the Electrification Coalition, and Forth, released a newly updated version of AchiEVe: Model Policies to Accelerate Electric Vehicle Adoption, the most current and comprehensive national toolkit designed to accelerate the switch to clean, electric vehicles (EVs) in an effective and equitable way by providing various stakeholders with model EV policies at the state, local, and utility levels.

August 20, 2020

Washington, DC -- The Sierra Club is calling for the resignation of US Postmaster General Louis DeJoy following his actions to disrupt mail service and undermine the United States Postal Service. DeJoy is set to testify on his recent changes to USPS in front of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee tomorrow and the House Oversight Committee next week.