Press Releases

February 10, 2021

Proposed ordinance would allow more than 67,000 new toxic wells to be drilled, many near homes and schools; Planning Commission to review ordinance at Feb. 11 meeting

9 de febrero de 2021

La Comisión Senatorial sobre Medio Ambiente y Obras Públicas ha avanzado la nominación de Michael Regan para servir en la administración del Presidente Biden como administrador de la Agencia de Protección Ambiental (EPA) tras una sólida votación bipartidista.

February 9, 2021

EUGENE, OR - After three months of public pressure and countless hours of public testimony about the climate and health impacts of fracked gas, the City’s franchise negotiations with NW Natural last night hit an impasse. Members of the Fossil Free Eugene campaign hailed this new development as a victory, as the franchise agreement being discussed was set to lock the city into a ten-year contract in which the fracked gas corporation could use the City’s right of way to expand its infrastructure and capacity without restriction. 

February 9, 2021

WASHINGTON, D.C. - The Senate Environment and Public Works committee has advanced the nomination of Michael Regan to serve as President Biden’s Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency with a strong bipartisan vote of confidence in his leadership. 

In Response, Sierra Club Executive Director Michael Brune released the following statement:

February 8, 2021

After the courts ruled the pipeline is operating illegally, the Biden Administration must decide on Feb. 10th whether to shut it down while an environmental review is undertaken

A broad coalition of Native-led groups, environmental organizations, and influencers released a letter calling on President Biden and Vice President Harris to stand with the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe and shut down the Dakota Access pipeline (DAPL) following the Jan. 27 court ruling that the pipeline is operating illegally without the necessary federal permits. 

February 8, 2021

This afternoon, the United States Senate voted to confirm Denis McDonough to serve as the Secretary of the Department of Veterans Affairs. McDonough previously served as Deputy National Security Advisor and White House Chief of Staff under President Barack Obama.

February 8, 2021

WASHINGTON, D.C. — A federal judge has decided against granting a preliminary injunction that would have temporarily halted construction of a harmful oil pipeline project that would transport tar sands oil from Canada to Wisconsin, through northern Minnesota.

4 de febrero de 2021

Tras el rechazo a actuar por parte del líder de la minoría, Kevin McCarthy, la Cámar de Representantes aprobó la resolución H.Res 72, la cual despoja a la representante Marjorie Taylor Greene (GA-14) de sus funciones en la Comisión de Educación y Trabajo y en la de Presupuestos, minimizando así cualquier impacto que ella pueda tener en la legislación.

February 7, 2021

Rep. Simpson today put forward a significant and important initiative to address the critical issue of bringing back abundant salmon and steelhead in a restored Snake River. The initiative would make major infrastructure and economic investments to assure communities and the energy system remain strong.

February 5, 2021

SAN ANTONIO — Today at a Special Meeting of CPS Energy Board of Trustees, CPS Energy voted to release the January 2021 Flexible Path Resource Plan (Plan) that outlines two potential scenarios to phase out coal from San Antonio’s energy mix before 2030. This development comes after the CPS Energy Board voted to withhold the public report at the last regularly scheduled Board meeting on January 25, 2021. Since then community advocates and even San Antonio Mayor Ron Nirenberg all called for the rapid release of the report.