Advocates Launch Scorecard to Educate the Public on Minnesota Power’s Integrated Resource Plan

Minnesota Power Scores Well on Coal Retirements, Poorly on Fossil Gas, Solar, Equitable Energy

DULUTH, MN -- Environmental groups and clean energy advocates have released a scorecard evaluating Minnesota Power’s Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) to educate the public on how the utility intends to provide energy to the Northland for the next 15 years. The report card grades Minnesota Power’s plan, which was released earlier this year, on 7 subjects and shows that, while Minnesota Power is making progress in some areas, the utility still has a long way to go:

  1. 100% Clean Energy: C-

  2. Move Beyond Coal: B

  3. No New Gas: F

  4. Community Transition: B

  5. Community & Rooftop Solar: D-

  6. Energy Efficiency: B-

  7. Equitable Energy: C-

The organizations behind the report card--the Sierra Club, Minnesota Interfaith Power and Light, Minnesota Center for Environmental Advocacy (MCEA), MPIRG at UMD, and Duluth Youth Climate Justice--are encouraging the public to learn more about the resource planning process and engage with Minnesota Power directly on what changes or additions they would like to see made. 

The Minnesota Public Utilities Commission (PUC) is accepting public comments on Minnesota Power’s IRP through October 4, 2021. Comments may be emailed to with the subject line ‘Public Comments for Docket Number: E015/RP-21-33.’ The PUC is also holding virtual hearings on Monday, May 17, and Tuesday, May 18, 2021. Links and information on how to join those hearings can be found online at

 “Minnesotans have been very clear in calling on Minnesota Power to deliver 100% clean, renewable energy,” said Jenna Yeakle, Organizing Representative with the Sierra Club. “While Minnesota Power is taking some steps forward by phasing out coal and prioritizing community transition support, Minnesota Power’s push for a new fossil gas plant in Superior, Wisconsin, doesn’t add up. Instead of burning money to burn fossil fuels, Minnesota Power should be expanding their wind, solar, energy efficiency, and energy storage resources. Likewise, Minnesota Power’s plans don’t do enough to ensure equitable access to clean energy--the Northland deserves an energy future that benefits everyone, not just a privileged few.”

“Minnesota Power has made great progress over the past 15 years in moving from coal to renewable energy, but that progress would be halted by MP's plan to build  a new $700M fracked gas-fired power plant,” said Kathryn Hoffman, CEO of MCEA. “We urge Minnesota Power to reverse course and cancel this plant in order to protect our shared climate and the living world on which we all depend.”

“Minnesota Power's commitment to divest itself from coal by 2035 is exactly what Minnesota needs, but this IRP doesn't actually lay out a plan to get there, said Bret Pence, the Greater Minnesota Director of Minnesota Interfaith Power and Light. “Right now, Minnesota Power proposes to retire its coal plants without adding enough renewable energy to make up for it. This is risky, unnecessary, irresponsible, and a choice that takes us farther away from a clean energy future.  Minnesota Power needs to fulfill its responsibilities by creating a concrete plan that adds more renewables to the grid, so that Minnesota can truly transition away from fossil fuels and towards 100% clean energy."

About the Sierra Club

The Sierra Club is America’s largest and most influential grassroots environmental organization, with more than 3.5 million members and supporters. In addition to protecting every person's right to get outdoors and access the healing power of nature, the Sierra Club works to promote clean energy, safeguard the health of our communities, protect wildlife, and preserve our remaining wild places through grassroots activism, public education, lobbying, and legal action. For more information, visit

About the Minnesota Center for Environmental Advocacy (MCEA)

For nearly half a century, MCEA has worked to enact and enforce smart environmental laws in Minnesota. With offices in St. Paul and Duluth and a team that includes some of the state's foremost environmental law and policy professionals, MCEA educates about issues and supports communities in their fight to protect their environment. MCEA is unique in Minnesota in its use of top legal expertise in the pursuit of environmental justice. For more information, visit

About Minnesota Interfaith Power and Light (MNIPL)

MNIPL is an interfaith community co-creating a just and sustainable world. We work in partnership with faith communities to build transformative power and bring the lights of people’s unique gifts to addressing the climate crisis. At MNIPL we work to build the interfaith climate movement in Minnesota by empowering faith communities across the state to take action that is authentic, effective, and energizing in their context. For more information, visit