Press Releases

March 5, 2021

Yesterday, the Alameda County Board of Supervisors approved Aramis, a utility-scale solar energy and battery storage facility in North Livermore. This project has earned support from major environmental groups, labor, city leaders across the county, and two local community power providers, East Bay Community Energy and CleanPowerSF, that are moving to achieve 100% clean energy by 2030.

March 4, 2021

Washington, DC -- Today, Goldman Sachs announced a new commitment to align its financing activities with a pathway to net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 and committed to set interim climate targets by the end of this year. Goldman Sachs also indicated it would begin measuring and disclosing its financed emissions, though the announcement lacked further details on the bank’s methodology for doing so and its near-term steps for cutting emissions.

March 3, 2021

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Today, the House passed the For the People Act with every single Democrat cosponsoring. This historic package includes a comprehensive, common sense set of democracy reforms, including automatic voter registration, stronger rules around ethics and campaign finance, restored voting rights for 1.7 million formerly incarcerated people, and a ban on partisan gerrymandering -- all of which will help add more than 50 million people to the voter rolls, reign in the influence of corporate polluters, ensure accessible, accurate elections, and expand the freedoms of all eligible Americans to participate in democracy.

3 de marzo de 2021

FedEx anunció hoy que su flota de reparto será completamente eléctrica para 2040, incluyendo metas progresivas, como el 50% de su adquisición de vehículos eléctricos para 2025.

March 3, 2021

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, FedEx announced that its delivery fleet will be made up of 100 percent electric vehicles by 2040, which will include benchmarks along the way, such as 50 percent EV purchases by 2025.

March 3, 2021

DETROIT -- Sierra Club and Environment Michigan, represented by the Great Lakes Environmental Law Center and National Environmental Law Center, announced Wednesday that they have taken the first steps in a Clean Air Act lawsuit against AK Steel Dearborn Works, one of Michigan’s most notorious polluters. 

March 2, 2021

San Juan, Puerto Rico -- Today, Sierra Club and Alianza Energía Renovable Ahora (AERA) filed over 15,000 public comments with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), asking the Commission to end operations at a liquified methane gas import terminal that was built without FERC approval, environmental impact review, risk studies or notification of nearby residents. 

March 2, 2021

ANNAPOLIS, MD -  County Executives and Elected Officials from some of Maryland's largest localities are calling on the General Assembly to provide support for local governments across the state that are imminently facing a fall in tax revenue and employment opportunities due to the collapse of the coal industry.

March 3, 2021

Renewal Plan Would Boost Racial Equity and Cut Climate Pollution in Half 

February 28, 2021

The Biden administration has withdrawn a Final Environmental Impact Statement and decision that would facilitate the transfer of ownership of Oak Flat, a sacred land to at least a dozen Indigenous Tribes, to a mining company with ties to the destruction of an Aboriginal site in Australia. The move follows years of opposition from Apache-Stronghold, the San Carlos Apache Tribe, the Inter Tribal Association of Arizona, and other Tribal entities, religious leaders, locals, and environmental groups.