Press Releases

9 de abril de 2021

El Presidente Biden formalmente presentó su primera propuesta presupuestaria al Congreso.

April 9, 2021

Washington, DC -- Today, the Biden Administration announced they will maintain the Trump Administration’s position and allow oil to continue to flow through this illegally-constructed pipeline, threatening tribal lands, drinking water, and the climate rather than take action and shut down the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL).

April 9, 2021

Richmond, VA-- Today the Sierra Club filed the expert testimony of Rachel Wilson of Synapse Energy Economics with the State Corporation Commission (SCC) opposing Appalachian Power Company’s (APCo) request to charge ratepayers to maintain the Amos and Mountaineer coal plants in West Virginia through 2040 rather than investing in more cost-effective clean energy. 

April 9, 2021

Frontline Communities From Permian Basin and Greater Chaco Region Demand Federal Oil and Gas Leasing Reform and End to Sacrifice Zones in First-Ever Joint Press Conference

April 9, 2021

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Today, President Biden will sign an executive order to create a new bipartisan Presidential Commission on the Supreme Court. According to the announcement, over the next 180 days, the Commission will study “the genesis of the reform debate; the Court’s role in the Constitutional system; the length of service and turnover of justices on the Court; the membership and size of the Court; and the Court’s case selection, rules, and practices.” The study will also include public meetings to solicit views of additional experts.

April 9, 2021

WASHINGTON, D.C. - President Biden formally submitted his first budget request to Congress. The request takes as its starting point the urgent imperative to address four interlocking crises facing the nation: “a historic global pandemic; an economy battered by recession; the generational crisis of climate change; and persistent inequities in the economy and Nation.”

April 9, 2021

TOPEKA, KS--Yesterday, the Kansas Corporation Commission (KCC) ruled 3-0 that Evergy must refund the unlawful and discriminatory charges levied against customer-owned solar in its Central and South jurisdictions that the utility collected since April 3rd, 2020.

April 9, 2021

ATLANTA, GA -- Today, the Sierra Club submitted its opening brief to the Georgia Court of Appeals in Sierra Club v. Georgia Public Service Commission and Georgia Power Company over the company’s 2019 rate case where the Southern Company subsidiary was approved to collect $525 million from ratepayers for coal ash pond closure costs.

April 8, 2021

St. Louis, MO -- Tonight, Missourians from throughout the state held a virtual rally to demand that the state’s largest coal polluting utilities quickly transition to clean energy. The rally builds on the The Dirty Truth About Utility Climate Pledges report released by Sierra Club in January. 

April 8, 2021

Milwaukee, WI -- Keeping the lights on. That’s what utilities and energy providers proclaim they do. But what happens when utility bills become a burden – or more precisely, an over-burden? That is what’s occurring for many Black and Latinx households in Milwaukee according to a new analysis, Energy Burden in Milwaukee: Study Reveals Major Disparities & Links to Redlined Areas, from Alliance for Climate Education, Black Leaders Organizing for Community, Citizen Action of Wisconsin - North Side Rising Co-op, the Sierra Club, and Voces de la Frontera. Census data from 2013 to 2018 reveal stark contrasts in energy burdens - the percentage of income households pay for their energy bills. Households in well-off white neighborhoods may have an average energy burden of 1% or less, versus the 7 - 10% (or higher) many in predominantly Black or Latinx neighborhoods pay.