Press Releases

April 28, 2021

Washington, DC -- Tonight, President Biden will give his first joint address to Congress. In his address, the president is expected to speak about his administration’s response to the ongoing pandemic and the work that lies ahead.

April 28, 2021

Tonight, President Joe Biden will give his first joint address to Congress. In his first 100 days in office, President Biden has taken significant, bold action, including a number of executive actions and orders on the climate crisis and the pandemic -- actions made even more critical by the failed previous administration.

April 28, 2021

Washington, DC -- Today, the Senate passed a resolution that would reinstate the Environmental Protection Agency's 2016 methane pollution safeguards for the oil and gas industry. The move is another critical step forward in undoing the previous administration’s reckless assaults on vital climate and public health protections.

April 28, 2021

Newe legal motion responds to 14 states challenging the leasing pause

April 27, 2021

Sierra Club issued the following statements on the passing of Adam Kolton, executive director of Alaska Wilderness League.

April 27, 2021

San Francisco, CA -- Today, at Wells Fargo’s virtual annual shareholder meeting, the bank faced questions about its massive fossil fuel financing and lack of a credible climate-aligned transition plan, but top shareholders like Vanguard and BlackRock appeared to maintain the status quo by voting to re-elect Board Chairman Charles Noski.

26 de abril de 2021

La Administración Biden propuso hoy una regulación que reautorizaría la excepción a la Ley de Aire Limpio para California, revirtiendo así una decisión ilegal sin precedentes de la Administración Trump con implicaciones más allá de California.

April 26, 2021

WASHINGTON, DC - Today, the Biden administration announced a proposed rule that would regrant California its Clean Air Act waiver, reversing an illegal and unprecedented move by the Trump administration that had implications far beyond the Golden State.

April 26, 2021

ST PAUL, MINNESOTA -- Earlier this month, a coalition of Minnesota environmental, worker, Indigenous and progressive groups released a mid-term climate report card grading Governor Walz on his actions to ensure a sustainable and equitable future for Minnesota. Unfortunately, the report card found that Governor Walz’s actions fall short of the bold and decisive measures the Gov. has promised Minnesotans, and that are needed to respond to the climate crisis.

April 26, 2021

NATIONWIDE -  Today, the Transit Equity Network, which brings together transit unions, riders advocacy groups, civil rights groups and climate justice and environmental organizations in communities across the nation, released the “Community Hearing on Transit Equity 2021: Findings and Recommendations,” documenting the stories of dozens of transit riders and workers who offered testimony during a two-day virtual hearing which took place on Feb. 3 and Feb.