Press Releases

September 10, 2021

Kayaker Graham Jordinson, set out on July 18th from Three Forks, Montana, to embark on a 2,341 mile journey down the Missouri River to its confluence with the Mississippi River in St. Louis, Missouri. The aim of his journey is to raise awareness about the detrimental impacts coal fired power plants have on our environment, climate, and water resources. Council Bluffs will be his second scheduled stop on his coal plant tour, after paddling out of Sioux City Friday. In Council Bluffs Jordison will meet with local Sierra Club members from Iowa and Nebraska to talk about MidAmerican’s Walter Scott Jr Energy Center coal plant in Council Bluffs.

10 de septiembre de 2021

Sierra Magazine, la revista del Sierra Club, anunció su décimo quinta edición anual de las universidades más verdes de Norteamérica ("Cool Schools"). Este año Sierra recibió presentaciones de un récord de 328 instituciones de Estados Unidos y Canadá.

September 10, 2021

WASHINGTON, DC - Yesterday, the Biden administration announced an unenforceable target for reducing emissions from airplanes 20 percent by 2030 by using biofuels, which are neither carbon neutral nor sustainable. 

The announcement includes welcome efforts to spur leadership, research and development,  and innovation in the aviation sector. However, it misses the mark on what is needed for real emissions reductions. This is an area of the transportation sector where pollution is increasing but the federal government has failed to act for years.

September 10, 2021

WASHINGTON, DC -- Yesterday, the House Energy and Commerce Committee unveiled the completed text of its portion of the $3.5 trillion budget reconciliation bill, and it includes $30 billion to replace lead pipes and service lines in our drinking water systems.

September 9, 2021

WASHINGTON — NRDC (the Natural Resources Defense Council), together with Sierra Club and the Environmental Integrity Project, sued the Environmental Protection Agency today to force it to fulfill its Clean Air Act obligations and require states to close polluter loopholes in state plans under the Act. Decades-old gaps in the law allow industry to evade responsibility for preventable harms that disproportionately affect communities of color and low income communities, and the agency has failed to act to close these loopholes.

September 9, 2021

Washington, D.C. -- Today President Joe Biden nominated Willie Phillips to fill a vacant position on the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), the nation’s independent energy regulator. FERC will play a key role in helping transform our power system and lead the equitable transition away from fossil fuels and toward the clean electricity system needed to address climate change.

Phillips is currently Chairman of the District of Columbia Public Service Commission and former Assistant General Counsel for the North American Electric Reliability Corporation.

September 9, 2021

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OAKLAND, CA - September 9, 2021 - Today, Sierra Club’s national magazine, Sierra, released its fifteenth annual “Cool Schools” ranking of North America’s greenest colleges and universities. This year, Sierra received submissions from a record-breaking 328 schools across the United States and Canada

September 8, 2021

Sierra Club and Potomac Riverkeeper Network, in accordance with the Clean Water Act, filed suit against VEPCO, a subsidiary of Dominion for violating and continuing to violate “an effluent standard or limitation” and continuing to violate its temperature discharge limits at its Mount Storm Power Station.

September 8, 2021

Hartford, CT -- One day after Connecticut acknowledged it is failing to meet its climate pollution reduction targets, the Energy Efficiency Board (EEB) moved forward with a 3 year plan that will continue subsidizing fossil fuel equipment and appliances.

September 8, 2021

As Congress Prepares to Move Forward with Reconciliation Bill, Nonprofits and Legislators in Arizona  Urge Electric Sector Decarbonization Through a Clean Electricity Payment Program (CEPP)