Press Releases

February 18, 2022

Today, Sierra Club, Healthy Gulf, and Louisiana Bucket Brigade motioned to intervene in Lake Charles LNG’s request to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to extend their time to 2028 to build their fracked gas export facility. Lake Charles LNG was initially granted a construction permit in 2015, but has failed to actually move forward with their project for nearly a decade.

February 18, 2022

Today, NextEra Energy Inc. announced it is reevaluating its investment in the fracked gas Mountain Valley Pipeline after the 4th Circuit rejected two necessary approvals.

February 17, 2022

20 community members with Iowa CCI, Sierra Club Beyond Coal, and DSM BLM took part in a demonstration Thursday afternoon during an Iowa Energy Center Board Meeting. The group gave public comments, and demanded the CEO of MidAmerican Energy - Kelcey Brown, commit to phasing out coal plants by 2030, end utility shut offs, and invest in energy efficiency programs.

February 17, 2022

President Biden and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Michael S. Regan announced yesterday plans to use $1 billion, allocated by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, to clean up and restore severely degraded sites throughout the Great Lakes region. The investment will target the most polluted sites, known as “Areas of Concern,” many of which are in environmental justice communities heavily burdened by toxic industrial legacies.

February 17, 2022

NEW ORLEANS -- The Sierra Club’s International Climate and Policy Campaign is joining with the #Blairisms for a series of conversations about climate justice and the African Diaspora leading up to the 27th UN Climate Conference or Conference of Parties (COP).

16 de febrero de 2022

Con el Senado en plena sesión, el Sierra Club declara categóricamente que este es el momento de la verdad para abordar amenazas climáticas, económicas y de salud que confrontan las familias trabajadoras y las comunidades de color.

February 16, 2022

Late last night, the Glendale City Council voted 3-2 to approve construction of five new gas-fired units totaling 93 megawatts (MWs) at the Grayson Power Plant. This may be the last new gas-fired generation built in California, and runs counter to California’s efforts to reach 100% clean electricity by 2045.

15 de febrero de 2022

Una coalición de más de 70 grupos ambientales lanzó la llamada Campaña de Bosques Climáticos (Climate Forest Campaign), instando a la administración Biden a que actúe ejecutivamente para proteger los bosques ancestrales y árboles maduros, los cuales son cruciales en la lucha contra el cambio climático.

February 15, 2022

Conserving our remaining older forests and trees on federal public lands is one of the country’s most straightforward, impactful, and cost-effective climate solutions. If the Biden Administration is going to lead in solving the climate and biodiversity crises, it must protect these carbon critical climate forests and set an example for the world. Along with over 70 groups that support the Climate Forests Campaign, Sierra Club calls on the Administration to enact a strong, lasting rule that protects old and mature trees and forests across federal lands as a cornerstone of US climate policy.

February 15, 2022

WASHINGTON, DC -- Yesterday, the Biden administration announced a significant cross-agency initiative to lower industrial carbon emissions, support environmental justice, and create clean manufacturing jobs.