Press Releases

May 23, 2022

May 23, 2022: Cancer Free Economy Network (CFE) together with Sierra Club and Center for Health, Environment & Justice (CHEJ) will convene a two-day virtual symposium today, May 23 and tomorrow, May 24 beginning at 2:00 PM EDT. The symposium builds on testimonies given by impacted community members at CFE’s November 2021 PFAS Incineration Town Hall. The Symposium will offer further community case studies and discussions on how to move from descriptions of the problems with PFAS disposal toward equitable solutions.

May 22, 2022

During its first meeting since adding five newly-elected members, the Sierra Club’s Board of Directors advanced a forward-thinking agenda of climate justice, environmental protection and social transformation this weekend – and passed a new policy endorsing “comprehensive, voluntary reproductive health care for all.”

May 20, 2022

Today, the nation’s leading environmental organizations moved to intervene to defend the Biden administration’s rule, finalized in March, that reinstated California’s Clean Air Act waiver, allowing the state to set greenhouse gas standards more protective than federal standards and to adopt zero-emissions standards for light-duty cars.

May 19, 2022

FALLS CHURCH, VA -  Today, at Meridian High School, the Biden-Harris administration will announce the Clean School Bus Program, which offers funding for school districts to move dirty diesel buses off their routes and transition to a cleaner school bus fleet. Currently, 95 percent of the nation’s school buses are diesel. Diesel exhaust is a known carcinogen and can lead to or worsen respiratory illnesses like asthma. 

May 19, 2022

An inspector from the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District confirmed that two idled oil wells next to residential neighborhoods in Bakersfield are leaking massive volumes of methane. One well showed emissions at a minimum of 50,000 parts per million (ppm), the maximum level the inspector’s device could record, and another well at the same site is leaking methane at or over 20,000 ppm.

May 19, 2022

Today, House Democrats voted to pass the Consumer Fuel Price Gouging Prevention Act. Introduced by Rep. Kim Schrier (D-WA) and Rep. Katie Porter (D-CA), the bill would crack down on oil and gas companies that are price-gouging consumers.

May 18, 2022

Sierra Club was among the parties who entered into a settlement agreement with Dominion Energy on their Coastal Virginia Offshore Wind project, specifically its Economic Development Plan, which will secure much-needed improvements on diversity, equity, and inclusive hiring practices.

May 18, 2022

Six months after two rulemaking petitions to raise oil and gas bonds were voted through by the Pennsylvania Environmental Quality Board, petitioners are still calling on the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) to produce reports that evaluate the petitions and provide recommendations on whether the EQB should approve the actions requested.

17 de mayo de 2022

La Unión Europea adoptó hoy su plan RePowerEU para empezar a eliminar las importaciones de combustibles fósiles de Rusia. RePowerEU se centrará en aumentar la eficacia energética y exigir ahorros, para así reducir los obstáculos a la energía limpia y expandir la energía solar. La meta es reducir dos tercios de las importaciones de gas fósil de Rusia este año y el resto para 2027.

May 18, 2022

Today, Sierra Club will deliver thousands of protests to the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) calling for an end to fossil fuel leasing on public lands. This follows the decision by the BLM to resume onshore lease sales in eight states: Wyoming, Colorado, Utah, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota and Oklahoma.