Press Releases

August 6, 2022

WASHINGTON, DC -- As the Senate begins debate on the largest investment ever in climate action and clean energy, the Sierra Club calls for swift passage of the strongest bill possible. See our detailed analysis on the crucial investments included in this bill.

August 5, 2022

The State Corporation Commission (Commission) today approved Dominion’s application for the Coastal Virginia Offshore Wind (CVOW) project - a project involving 176 wind turbines off the coast of Virginia Beach which will power over 650,000 homes and businesses starting in 2026.

August 4, 2022

PORTLAND, OR— Today fishing and conservation groups in long-running litigation to protect endangered salmon and steelhead in the Columbia and Snake Rivers joined with the State of Oregon, Nez Perce Tribe and United States to ask the U.S. District Court to extend a stay of the litigation by up to one year.

August 4, 2022

Organizations urge a climate policy framework to protect and prioritize redlined communities

August 4, 2022

GREAT FALLS, MT — A federal judge late yesterday struck down two U.S. Bureau of Land Management (BLM) resource management plans that failed to address the public health consequences of allowing massive amounts of coal, oil, and gas production from public lands and minerals in the Powder River Basin, including approximately 6 billion tons of low-grade, highly polluting coal over 20 years. 

4 de agosto de 2022

La Agencia de Protección Ambiental (EPA) dio un modesto paso positivo hacia la protección de comunidades de todo el país, incluyendo latinas, contra los impactos negativos del óxido de etileno, un potente carcinógeno.

August 3, 2022

St. Louis, MO - In a surprise outcome last week, the Missouri Air Conservation Commission (MACC) failed to advance the new regional haze plan proposed by the Department of Natural Resources (DNR), which the MACC oversees. Missouri will miss its new deadline of August 15, 2022, to submit a plan to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), even though the federal agency gave states an additional three years to comply when it amended the Regional Haze Rule in 2017.

August 3, 2022

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, EPA took a small but positive step toward protecting communities across America from the harmful impacts of ethylene oxide, a potent carcinogen, by announcing reinvigorated efforts to notify and consult communities near 23 facilities releasing toxic ethylene oxide emissions.

August 2, 2022

Yesterday, the Outdoors Alliance for Kids recognized Rep. Katie Porter of California’s 45th district for her leadership in connecting kids to the outdoors.

August 2, 2022

Late yesterday, reports broke that drastic changes to federal permitting requirements under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) could be included in must-pass legislation Congress will take up this fall.