
October 15, 2019

Tonight, 12 Democrats will take the stage in Ohio, a state that, despite common misperception, is central to the clean energy transition happening across the country. When it comes to clean energy, Ohio:

  • Is ranked eighth in the nation with more than 112,000 clean energy jobs

October 10, 2019

LAS VEGAS, NV -- The Toiyabe Chapter of the Sierra Club today announced its endorsement of Dina Titus for Nevada’s U.S. Congressional District 1 in the 2020 election.

“I am proud to be endorsed for re-election by the Sierra Club,” said Congresswoman Dina Titus. “I have worked with Sierra Club for years to fight against high level nuclear waste storage at Yucca Mountain and to protect our unique desert habitat. I will continue to stand up to attempts by this administration to further degrade our planet.”

September 18, 2019

Boston, MA -- Today, the Sierra Club announced it is endorsing Massachusetts Senator Ed Markey in his bid for reelection. 

"Senator Markey is a career environmental champion, and has the Sierra Club's full support,"  said Sierra Club Massachusetts Chapter Director Deb Pasternak.  "Senator Markey's leadership on the climate crisis, particularly his co-authorship of the Green New Deal, makes him the most important environmental leader in the US Senate, and we’re determined to do our part to keep him there."

August 9, 2019

Washington, DC -- Today, it was revealed that DNC Chairman Tom Perez has submitted a resolution to yet again block a climate debate from happening. This comes after the DNC reversed course and agreed to a vote at the DNC executive committee meeting later this month. 

August 2, 2019

Yet again last night, Donald Trump took to again making up absurd claims about wind and solar energy. Even the crowd didn’t seem to know what to make of these lies. While it’s long been clear Donald Trump has his head in the sand on the climate crisis, it’s clear that ignorance extends to the booming clean energy job market as well. 

August 1, 2019

SALT LAKE CITY, UT-- This evening, hundreds of Utahns will gather for a free political debate centered on key environmental issues facing Salt Lake City. All eight registered candidates will be given an opportunity to showcase their environmental ethics. 

July 26, 2019

WASHINGTON, DC - Voters who say that Democratic candidates’ climate plans are “very important” in their choice of who to vote for continue to call Joe Biden their top pick to be the Democratic nominee for President, according to the second wave of results from the Sierra Club’s 2020 Climate Voter Tracking Poll, conducted by Morning Consult.

May 1, 2019

Salt Lake City, UT-- The non-partisan environmental group today released a comprehensive environmentally focused review of the 2019 Utah State Legislative Session. The Utah Sierra Club considered committee and floor votes for the year’s top 20 bills, reflecting a range of conservation issues including reduction of plastics, nuclear waste, water conservation, public lands, and climate change. Unfortunately, averages for both chambers were failing. The Senate had an average of 54.14% and the House had an average of 51.55%.

April 3, 2019

Washington, DC -- Clearly, the growing public momentum for climate action across the aisle has made clear to the Trump campaign that their climate denial is a major vulnerability.

November 1, 2018

Miami, FL -- On behalf of endangered representative Carlos Curbelo, the National Republican Campaign Committee is running a misleading ad which lies about Debbie Mucarsel-Powell’s record and commitment to act on climate change. Carlos Curbelo has long claimed to be an advocate for climate action, but his voting record shows otherwise. Curbelo has voted to increase LNG exports, approve the Keystone XL pipeline, open up the Arctic Refuge for drilling, and attacked clean energy while increasing funding for fossil fuels.

October 22, 2018

MIAMI, FLORIDA: The Florida Chapter of the Sierra Club today announced its endorsement of Mary Barzee Flores for Congress in Florida’s 25th district.

"We are pleased to announce today that the Sierra Club officially endorses Mary Barzee Flores

for election," said David Harbeitner, Sierra Fla. Political Chairman. "We are confident that she will continue work to protect Florida families’ health, air and water, and build a clean energy economy that works for Floridians.”  

October 15, 2018

New York, NY -- Acclaimed filmmaker Darren Aronofsky has teamed up with Generation Z activists from all over the country who are calling on their peers to vote in the midterm elections and the Sierra Club Voter Education Fund. Produced by Aronofsky’s Protozoa Pictures and Chromista, the video features people active in movements for indigenous rights, gun control, rights for the disabled, immigrant rights, climate justice, and transgender equality, among others, passionately advocating for participation in this November’s election.