
11 de marzo de 2022

La Agencia de Protección Ambiental (EPA) propuso hoy la regla de Contaminación del Aire Interestatal, la cual protegerá al público contra la peligrosa polución de las plantas térmicas de carbón que el viento traslada de un estado a otro, beneficiando a 26 de ellos.

March 9, 2022

CALIFORNIA - Today, President Biden’s EPA restored a key tool to address pollution from the transportation sector, the nation’s leading source of climate-disrupting pollution.  

March 9, 2022

MINNESOTA - Today, President Biden’s EPA restored a key tool to address pollution from the transportation sector, the nation’s leading source of climate-disrupting pollution.  

March 9, 2022

WASHINGTON, DC - Today, the EPA finalized its rule reinstating California’s Clean Air Act waiver allowing it to set greenhouse gas standards more protective than federal standards and to adopt zero-emissions standards for light-duty vehicles, reversing an illegal and unprecedented waiver revocation by the previous administration that threatened our climate and the well-being of communities around the country. 

7 de marzo de 2022

La Agencia Federal de Protección Ambiental (EPA) anunció una propuesta para reducir las emisiones de camiones pesados, una fuente significativa de contaminación del aire que impacta desproporcionadamente a latinos y otras comunidades de color.

March 7, 2022

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, the Environmental Protection Agency announced a proposal for curbing emissions from heavy duty trucks, a significant source of dangerous air pollution nationwide which disproportionately impacts communities of color.

March 2, 2022

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, several environmental organizations moved to intervene to defend the Biden administration’s new clean car standards.

23 de febrero de 2022

El Servicio postal finalizó hoy su controversial plan de adquirir vehículos de combustión interna para el 90% de su parque móvil, una afronta directa a los compromisos climáticos de la administración Biden.

8 de febrero de 2022

El Senado de Virginia rechazó hoy la nominación del Gobernador Glenn Youngkin para que el ex cabildero carbonero Andrew Wheeler se convirtiera en el nuevo secretario de Recursos Naturales e Históricos del estado.

February 2, 2022

WASHINGTON, DC - On the heels of advocacy from environmental groups and California air quality regulators, the Washington Post reported that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the White House Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) sent letters to the Postal Service today urging the agency to reconsider its plans to buy 90 percent gas-powered vehicles in its next vehicle purchase and to conduct a new, more thorough technical analysis.

1 de febrero de 2022

Una comisión senatorial de Virginia, liderada por demócratas, elimino la nominación del ex cabildero carbonero Andrew Wheeler para liderar la Secretaría de Recursos Ambientales y Culturales del estado.

February 1, 2022

A Virginia State Senate committee, led by Democrats, removed Governor Youngkin’s nomination of former coal lobbyist Andrew Wheeler as Secretary of Natural and Historic Resources from consideration.