
March 19, 2017

DAYTON, OHIO - Today marked the 250th U.S. coal plant that has retired or committed to retire since the Sierra Club’s Beyond Coal Campaign began in 2010, driving coal use down to its lowest level in history. The retirement of Ohio’s Killen and Stuart plants by June 2018 comes after months of conversations between Dayton Power & Light and stakeholders. DPL and other co-owners decided to announce the retirement because the plants are not economically viable.

February 1, 2017

WASHINGTON, D.C. - The U.S. Congress used the Congressional Review Act (CRA) to scrap the Stream Protection Rule (SPR) today, putting the health of thousands of Americans living near coal mining sites at serious risk.

April 12, 2017

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Late yesterday, Donald Trump’s EPA Administrator accepted polluter requests to attempt to halt crucial clean water protections that prevent coal plants from dumping large amounts of toxic industrial waste into America’s waterways, putting the health of communities who depend on those waterways at serious risk.

March 19, 2017

DAYTON, Ohio - Today, Dayton Power and Light (DP&L) announced retirement plans for the Killen and Stuart plants by June 2018. This company’s announcement comes after months of conversations between Dayton Power & Light and stakeholders regarding the company's financial health. DP&L and other co-owners of the Killen and Stuart plants agreed to the retirement, saying the plants are not economically viable beyond mid-2018; through a statement released earlier today.


February 1, 2017

Diamond Bar, CA -- On Friday, February 3, hundreds of residents concerned about Southern California’s horrendous air pollution will rally and testify for a strong air quality plan.

April 11, 2017
March 16, 2017

Topeka, KS – The Kansas Supreme Court issued a decision today to uphold a permit for the proposed Sunflower coal plant near Garden City, Kansas. Earthjustice, representing the Sierra Club, challenged the permit in court in January 2016 arguing that the fast-tracked permit failed to comply with the Environmental Protection Agency’s greenhouse gas rules by failing to set gas emission limits.

February 1, 2017

Baltimore, M.D. —In conjunction with the House of Delegates earlier this week, the Maryland State Senate voted today to override Governor Hogan’s veto of the Clean Energy Jobs Act. The bill, which was vetoed last May, will increase and accelerate the state’s Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) requirement from 20 percent by 2022 to 25 percent by 2020 ensuring more homes and businesses benefit from renewable energy across the state and region.

April 10, 2017

WASHINGTON, D.C. - At the request of the Trump EPA, the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals this evening suspended proceedings in a lawsuit over stronger clean air protections against smog pollution to give Trump’s EPA Administrator time to decide whether to rewrite them.

March 15, 2017

Owensboro, KY - Sierra Club today applauded the Owensboro Municipal Utilities Commission for voting to retire the second unit of its Elmer Smith coal-burning power plant. This announced closure will retire the Elmer Smith plant in its entirety prior to 2023, as a 2019 retirement date for Unit 1 was announced in 2015.


February 1, 2017

WASHINGTON D.C.-- Today, in a vote boycotted by Democrats over unanswered questions by the nominee, Republicans on the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee changed the rules so that they could force through Scott Pruitt’s nomination to be administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), disregarding Pruitt’s conflicts of interest and hostility to federal public health protections.

April 3, 2017

Anchorage, Alaska-- PacRim Coal, the company behind the controversial proposed Chuitna coal mine in Alaska, announced on Friday that it suspended all permitting activities related to the Chuitna project. According to Dan Graham, PacRim’s project manager, the permit is being pulled because its financial backers fell through.