Judge Rules that EPA Must Uphold Clean Air Act and Respond to Good Neighbor Petitions


Emily Pomilio, (480) 286-0401, emily.pomilio@sierraclub.org

Thomas Schuster, (575) 642-7156, tom.schuster@sierraclub.org

Hartford, C.T.--The United States District Court for the District of Connecticut ruled that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) must respond to a “Good Neighbor” petition to reduce air pollution (also known as a §126 petition under the Clean Air Act) by holding a public hearing on the issue and responding within 60 days.

Good Neighbor petitions request the EPA to step in and control air pollution that crosses state lines into neighboring communities and interferes with the downwind communities’ ability to comply with the federal protections laid out in the Clean Air Act.

In response, Mark Kresowik, Eastern Region Deputy Director of the Sierra Club, issued the following statement:

“Today’s decision upholds the rule of law, protecting the health of the region and keeping communities safe from harmful pollution. This ruling sets a critical precedent - Scott Pruitt’s EPA will be held accountable to the full extent of the law regarding air pollution emitted from coal plants that violate the Clean Air Act. The EPA has an obligation to protect the health of all Americans and step in when coal plants threaten public health and damage air quality. It is past time for Scott Pruitt to listen to the court and act on the petitions being brought by other states demanding clean air without delay.”



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