Attorney General Frosh and General Assembly Show Support for Clean Energy in MD by Hosting Alternate Clean Power Plan Hearing


Emily Pomilio, Sierra Club, (480) 286-0401,

David Smedick, Sierra Club, (301) 277-7111,

Karla Raettig, Maryland LCV, (202) 674-3174,

Annapolis, M.D. – Maryland Attorney General Brian Frosh with Senate President Thomas Miller and House Speaker Michael Busch hosted a public hearing today on the repeal of the Clean Power Plan, underscoring the critical notion that Maryland stands with people across the state and around the nation who are committed to a carbon-pollution-free future.

After being denied a public hearing by the Environmental Protection Agency on the repeal of the Clean Power Plan, Maryland public officials, with the support of local advocacy groups, decided to host their own hearing. The broad-based support shown for this hearing illustrates the leadership states are taking to defend the Clean Power Plan in the face of federal action bent on dismantling key carbon pollution protections.

In a joint statement of support, David Smedick, Campaign and Policy Director for the Maryland Chapter of the Sierra Club and Karla Raettig, Executive Director of the Maryland League of Conservation Voters said the following:

“By hosting this hearing and moving forward on climate action at the state and regional level, our elected leaders have exemplified their dedication to a carbon pollution free future - one that ensures our workers are supported, our communities are made safer and the clean energy economy continues to grow,” Smedick said. “Maryland, through it’s critical work on the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative and its leadership on clean energy policies, has set markers for smart, forward thinking, carbon pollution reduction policies that not only prove that efforts like the Clean Power Plan can work.

But we can’t stop here -- we need Maryland to strengthen its resolve, push back on the White House’s anti-environment agenda, and advance its own push for climate justice and so that we can prepare for and realize a just movement away from carbon polluting power.”

“An overwhelming number of Marylanders support the Clean Power Plan because it will save lives by keeping dangerous pollution out of our air and our water, combat the climate crisis, and encourage clean and healthy economic options that support families affected by the transition away from fossil fuels,”  Raettig said. “We thank the Maryland Office of the Attorney General for providing an opportunity for Marylanders to show their support for this essential policy and continuing that tradition of open hearings in a state on the forefront of climate and clean energy leadership."



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The Sierra Club is America’s largest and most influential grassroots environmental organization, with more than 3 million members and supporters. In addition to helping people from all backgrounds explore nature and our outdoor heritage, the Sierra Club works to promote clean energy, safeguard the health of our communities, protect wildlife, and preserve our remaining wild places through grassroots activism, public education, lobbying, and legal action. For more information, visit