
December 3, 2020

New York — New York created the Office of Renewable Energy Siting (ORES) as per the Accelerated Renewable Energy Growth and Community Benefit Act that passed in the 2020 NYS budget. ORES will keep local communities at the center of developing local zoning policy, preserves local participation, and provides towns with the funding needed to meaningfully engage in the siting process. The state recently released the draft rules that will establish how ORES evaluates wind and solar projects.

November 23, 2020

DULUTH, MN. -- In a new paper released this morning, analysis by Sierra Club shows that Minnesota Power would save customers millions of dollars by retiring the Clay Boswell coal plant and replacing that power with a clean energy portfolio that includes wind, solar, storage, energy efficiency, and demand response technologies.

Read Retiring the Boswell Coal Plant: The Case for Clean Energy in the Northland here.

October 14, 2020

OUC announced today that they would stop burning coal for power by 2027 and would get 92% of their energy from renewable sources by 2050

October 6, 2020

Thursday morning, clean energy advocates, community members, and elected officials will deliver a signed Letter of Principles to Colorado’s largest utility, Xcel Energy, regarding their upcoming Electric Resource Plan that will determine which resources are used to generate electricity moving forward. The letter is signed by 4,000 Xcel electricity customers and Pueblo residents, as well as 70 elected officials from Xcel’s service territory.

28 de septiembre de 2020

Sierra, la revista nacional del Sierra Club, emitió su decimocuarta lista de las universidades más verdes (“Cool Schools”) de Norteamérica. Este año, Sierra recibió candidaturas de 312 instituciones de Estados Unidos y Canadá, un nuevo récord.

September 9, 2020

Harrisburgh, P.A. - The Pennsylvania Senate approved House Bill 2025 today, which would remove the Department of Environmental Protection’s (DEP) legal authority to regulate climate-disrupting carbon dioxide pollution from any source within the Commonwealth. This bill, which passed in the House in July, would prevent Pennsylvania’s participation in the "cap-and-invest" program known as the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) which is currently being developed. The legislation goes even further to prevent DEP from implementing any regulations of greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs). Governor Wolf is expected to veto the legislation.

25 de agosto de 2020

La Comisión Especial sobre la Crisis Climática del Senado emitió hoy su reporte titulado “Razones para la Acción Climática: Construir una Economía Limpia para el Pueblo Estadounidense”, el cual detalla un plan de los demócratas del Senado para atacar la crisis climática alcanzando la meta de cero emisiones para el 2050, además de incrementar las inversiones climáticas en comunidades vulnerables y en desventaja.

August 5, 2020

Logos from Environment Missouri, Climate + Energy Project, and the Sierra Club

3 de agosto de 2020

El Sierra Club lanzó hoy una campaña de anuncios digitales que urgen al liderazgo del Congreso a que apruebe asistencia económica para los trabajadores de la energía limpia como parte del próximo paquete de rescate económico en medio de la pandemia de COVID-19.

July 29, 2020

Logos from Environment Missouri, Climate + Energy Project, and the Sierra Club

KANSAS CITY, MO -- Today marks the release of a new vision for Evergy’s future, created by a partnership of the Climate + Energy Project, Environment Missouri, and the Kansas and Missouri chapters of the Sierra Club. These groups call on Evergy to:

July 21, 2020

NEW YORK -- Today, Governor Andrew Cuomo announced a massive new call for clean energy projects including a 2020 NYSERDA Tier 1 RFP for 1.6 million MWh under the Clean Energy Standard; a new RFP for 2 million MWh of land based wind or solar power; and a $400 million combined 2020 Offshore Wind RFP and Port Investment RFP. 

July 21, 2020

Brookline, M.A.--The Massachusetts Attorney General office identified a need for changes to state policies by disapproving a community-led ordinance that would’ve prohibited the installation of new fossil fuel construction in Brookline. Through a bylaw, the city would have seen a 15% decrease of carbon emissions in buildings over the next 30 years. The Sierra Club filed a brief in support of Brookline.