
January 19, 2022

ATLANTA, GA –  Today, the Sierra Club is announcing its intention to participate in the 2022 Georgia Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) process. During this process, Georgia Power (owned by Southern Company) will propose its plan for how it will procure energy over the next two decades, which must be approved by the Public Service Commission (PSC).

January 5, 2022

Albany, New York — Against the backdrop of surging COVID-19 infections and increasingly severe climate change events, Governor Hochul delivered a State of the State address that made significant commitments to advance clean drinking water, restore wetlands and natural habitats, advance renewable energy, ramp up electric vehicle infrastructure and protect public health from harmful emissions that are intensifying the climate crisis.

4 de enero de 2022

Según un informe de Reuters, Toyota se ha convertido en la mayor empresa automotriz de Estados Unidos, al sobrepasar a GM en ventas en 2021. GM había sido el líder nacional desde 1931.

4 de enero de 2022

Mientras el senado vuelve a sesionar, el Sierra Club urge a los líderes parlamentarios a cumplir con la promesa de la mayoría democrática y a aprobar urgentemente legislación para reconstruir mejor y proteger los derechos del votante, en medio de la incesante obstrucción de los congresistas republicanos.

20 de diciembre de 2021

La Agencia de Protección Ambiental (EPA) anunció hoy su regla final de estándares de limpieza de vehículos, la cual reducirá las emisiones del sector transporte y protegerá la salud pública y el clima reforzando el rigor de emisiones a partir de vehículos de 2023 a 2026.

17 de diciembre de 2021

Entre consultas técnicas con la parlamentaria del Senado y negociaciones con actores claves en Washington, continúa el progreso de la Build Back Better Act (Ley para Reconstruir Mejor) pese al total obstruccionismo de los congresistas republicanos.

December 15, 2021

AUSTIN, TX -- Today, a coalition of Sierra Club members, supporters, and allied organizations including Texas Campaign for the Environment, and the Coalition for Environment, Equity, and Resilience (CEER) submitted a petition with over four thousand signatures to the Public Utility Commission of Texas, and almost two dozen people shared in-person testimony in front of the Public Utility Commission (PUC) of Texas, demanding that Governor Abbott, the PUC, and the

December 14, 2021

Yesterday, the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) issued a proposed decision that will decimate the cost effectiveness of rooftop solar, and slow our progress on critical climate goals.

December 12, 2021

DULUTH, MN -- Sierra Club members and communities from around the Twin Ports continue to voice their opposition to a proposed fracked gas power plant--the Nemadji Trail Energy Center (NTEC)--to be built in Superior, Wisconsin. The proposed gas plant is now a joint effort between Duluth-based Minnesota Power, Wisconsin-based Dairyland Power, and North Dakota-based Basin Electric. NTEC would be built along 31st Ave E, between Grand Ave and E 10th St, close to homes, schools, and businesses, and only a few miles from Lake Superior.

December 12, 2021

MINNEAPOLIS, MN -- Today, the the Energy We Can’t Afford coalition--which includes, SP350, MN350, the Institute for Local Self-Reliance, Vote Solar, Environment Minnesota, Community Power, Fresh Energy, Cooperative Energy Futures, and the Sierra Club--launched a public education campaign to inform Minnesotans that so-called “natural gas” is primarily methane, a dirty and dangerous fossil fuel.

8 de diciembre de 2021

El Presidente Biden emitió hoy una orden ejecutiva para lograr una gran reducción de la contaminación climática del gobierno federal.

7 de diciembre de 2021

Recientemente, Exxon Mobil dio una presentación en la que admitió que está pidiendo de nuevo enormes subsidios a costa del contribuyente, como parte de la Ley para Reconstruir Mejor (Build Back Better Act), para continuar extrayendo petróleo y gas por décadas.