Milwaukee, WISCONSIN – The Department of Energy’s (DOE) Loans Program Office (LPO) has announced a conditional commitment for an Energy Infrastructure Reinvestment (EIR) loan guarantee of up to…
NEW YORK - The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced 70 grant recipients for its Clean Heavy-Duty Vehicles Program to receive funding for over 2,400 zero-emission heavy-duty…
BALTIMORE, MD – Buildings play an unexpectedly large role in contributing to dangerous levels of smog pollution, according to new modeling from Sonoma Technology in a report commissioned by the…
FLORIDA – President Joe Biden announced today that Seminole Electric Cooperative’s application to construct and procure a combination of utility-scale solar and battery energy storage…
BROOKFIELD, CT. – Compressor stations maintain the flow and pressure of fracked gas transported in pipelines. Due to serious health and safety risks, experts recommend compressors stay at least 1.8…
BOSTON, MA. – Today, the State Legislature ended the 2023-2024 session without the passage of a climate omnibus bill, S.2838 An Act Upgrading the Grid and Protecting Ratepayers. …
Harrisburg, PA — Today, the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania recognized the fundamental right of PennFuture, Clean Air Council, Sierra Club, and Environmental Defense Fund and their members to defend…
WASHINGTON, DC – Just weeks after a court challenge to new coal ash safeguards joined in part by the operators of the General James M. Gavin Power Plant in southeastern Ohio was thrown out,…
DULUTH, MN -- About one million gallons of coal ash wastewater spilled from Minnesota Power's Boswell Energy Center, the largest coal plant in Minnesota, with some reaching Blackwater Lake, a…
New York, NY -- On June 26, 2024, Danskammer LLC withdrew its request for a siting certificate for a proposed gas plant in the Hudson Valley, marking the end of the last large-scale gas…