STATEMENT: Minnesota’s Largest Coal Plant Leaks Toxic Waste into Mississippi Reservoir

Sierra Club Calls for Urgent, Safe Cleanup and Earlier Retirement After Million-Gallon Ash Spill

Renner Barsella,

DULUTH, MN -- About one million gallons of coal ash wastewater spilled from Minnesota Power's Boswell Energy Center, the largest coal plant in Minnesota, with some reaching Blackwater Lake, a reservoir of the Mississippi River. The spill, discovered on Tuesday morning, prompted the company to contain the leak and notify environmental authorities, who are still investigating the extent of the contamination. Coal ash contains harmful pollutants, raising concerns about potential impacts on water and wildlife in the area.

In response, Jenna Yeakle, Central Region Campaign Manager, Duluth, released the following statement:

“Minnesota Power and state agencies must take immediate, thorough action to mitigate the damage and be transparent with the public. Minnesotans, Blackwater Lake, and the Mississippi River cannot afford any shortcuts. Minnesota Power must take steps to ensure something like this doesn’t happen again, starting with a commitment to retire all of its coal generation by 2030 at the latest. There is no safe way to burn fossil fuels. Pipes leak, break, and spill, impacting our water, environment, and public health. Investing in electric generation that relies on unsafe infrastructure is dangerous to all of us. Whether it's coal or gas, Minnesota Power needs to stop doubling down on fossil fuels and invest in the clean energy it promises.” 

In response, Ben Jealous, Executive Director of the Sierra Club, released the following statement:

“Today, Minnesota Power’s commitment to coal created a deadly and dangerous disaster threatening our clean water. Every day prior, their commitment has endangered our clean air, resulting in asthma and heart attacks and creating unsafe living conditions for millions. There will never be a safe way to burn coal, period.”


  • As of 2020, Boswell had two Coal Combustion Residual (CCR) management complexes - (1) two inactive ponds (the "Closed Fly Ash Pond" and "Old Bottom Ash Surface Impoundment") to the south of Route 87; and (2) a complex consisting of a dry ash landfill, Pond 3 (142 acres, 250 million gallons), the Bottom Ash Pond (100 million gallons, 62 acres), and Pond 4 (720 Million gallons, 289 acres).
  • Pond 3 is unlined and did not have sufficient separation from the underlying aquifer (basically - MP couldn't prove it wasn't leaching into groundwater) and so was required to be closed under EPA rules. 
  • The Bottom Ash Pond is unlined and so was also required to be closed under EPA regulations.

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The Sierra Club is America’s largest and most influential grassroots environmental organization, with millions of members and supporters. In addition to protecting every person's right to get outdoors and access the healing power of nature, the Sierra Club works to promote clean energy, safeguard the health of our communities, protect wildlife, and preserve our remaining wild places through grassroots activism, public education, lobbying, and legal action. For more information, visit