Lauren Lantry

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Press Releases

Pruitt Ruins Another Week

Thursday was another whirlwind day for Scandalous Scott Pruitt, who’s polling numbers are tanking (down to 29%), as more and more disgraceful scandals and embarrassing headlines pop up. Pruitt’s bad…

STATEMENT: Bicameral Letter Proves Pruitt Must Go

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Today, in a bicameral letter sent to embattled EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt, members of Congress detailed meetings between Kevin Chmielewski and congressional investigators.…

RETALIATION? COVER-UP? Pruitt Removed Staffer Responsible for Report That Undermines His Excuse for Spending $3 Million

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Today, Politico reported that, in an attempt to cover up one of his many scandals, Scott Pruitt retaliated against and punished the career EPA staffer who approved the report…

Pruitt Scrambles to Cover Up Giant Lie

Scott Pruitt’s hell week - and weekend - of embarrassing round the clock headlines of his ethics violations looks to be continuing this week as news breaks that he personally approved massive raises…

Questions for Sarah Huckabee Sanders: Scott Pruitt Is Under Siege

This morning, Donald Trump rejected the idea that Scott Pruitt could be Attorney General and admitted that Scott Pruitt is “under siege.” Trump has now given Pruitt the same vote of confidence that…

Things are getting worse for Scott Pruitt, as it seems he doesn’t understand the word “no.”

“It should by now be clear that Scott Pruitt’s scandals are not going to stop coming, and he will continue to humiliate himself and the Trump Administration every additional hour he is in office.”…

Questions for Sarah Huckabee Sanders: Pruitt's Situation Goes from Bad to Unsustainable

Scott Pruitt’s desperate attempts to save his job and repair his relationship with Donald Trump are unraveling faster than the flow of stories on his unethical actions.Last night, Pruitt’s defense of…

Sanders Refuses to Say Trump Has Confidence in Pruitt

Today, during the White House Press Briefing, Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders was twice asked about the deluge of corruption scandals facing Scott Pruitt.Asked if the President is OK with the…

Scandal Ridden Scott Pruitt Lies on Fox News

In a humiliating clip released of an interview with Ed Henry of Fox News, Scott Pruitt is pressed hard to explain why he directly defied Donald Trump by coordinating massive raises for…

Questions for Sarah Huckabee Sanders: Pruitt is Flailing Edition

The drumbeat of scandals and embarrassing headlines created by Scott Pruitt for the Trump Administration has become relentless. Here’s just the latest round-up and some questions that Sarah Huckabee…