Questions for Sarah Huckabee Sanders: Pruitt's Situation Goes from Bad to Unsustainable


Lauren Lantry, 

Scott Pruitt’s desperate attempts to save his job and repair his relationship with Donald Trump are unraveling faster than the flow of stories on his unethical actions.

But, wait. As is always the case with Pruitt, there is more...

Meanwhile, Axios reports that administration officials believe there’s even more to come on Pruitt.

Today, White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders should answer:

  • How does the White House feel about Pruitt now that ethics officials have walked back their approval of his sweetheart condo deal?

  • What is the president’s response to the fact that even after Pruitt was warned to clean up his act, he has created even more headlines detailing numerous scandals?

  • How many more embarrassing headlines will Pruitt generate before Trump fires him?

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