Jonathon Berman

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Press Releases

Trump Guts Standards Protecting Public Lands from Fracking

Washington, DC -- Today, Donald Trump’s Department of Justice filed a motion announcing its intention to rescind the Bureau of Land Management’s safeguards for hydraulic fracturing (fracking). The…

Trump NAFTA Renegotiation Draft Notice Exposes an All-Talk No-Action Plan

Washington, DC -- Donald Trump’s North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) draft renegotiation notice has been revealed, exposing his plan for altering the trade pact. The plan shows only minimal…

Trump Puts Corporate Profits Above Native American Homes, History, and Future

Washington, DC – Today, Donald Trump’s Army Corps of Engineers cancelled the ongoing environmental impact review for the Dakota Access Pipeline and notified Congress that it has granted the final…

Trump to Advance Keystone XL and Dakota Access Pipeline, Confirming He’s the Dangerous Threat Warned Against

 Washington, DC -- Today, President Donald Trump will scrap key aspects of former-President Obama’s climate leadership, as he reportedly plans to sign Executive Orders to move the the Keystone…

“Master Negotiator” Donald Trump Lies About then Fails On Keystone XL Steel

Washington, DC -- Late yesterday evening, news broke that TransCanada, the company behind the formerly rejected Keystone XL pipeline, will not be required to use U.S. steel to construct the dirty tar…

After 100 Days of Trump’s Failures, The Peoples Climate March Takes to the Streets

Washington, DC -- Today, tens of thousands of people will pack Pennsylvania Ave in Washington, D.C. and streets in cities across America to show Donald Trump that the public will continue to resist…

Anadarko Oil Tank Explosion Kills One, Injures Three

Mead, Colorado -- Late yesterday, an oil tanker in Mead, CO exploded, killing one and injuring three. Authorities are continuing to investigate the cause of the explosion.The death is the third…

BP Well Continues to Leak in Alaska’s North Slope

 Deadhorse, Alaska -- A British Petroleum (BP) oil and gas well on Alaska’s Northern Slope that blew out on Friday continues to spill crude oil and gas uncontrollably. No one was injured when…

California Lands Commission Rightly Decommissions Santa Barbara Oil Platform

Sacramento, CA -- Today, the California State Lands Commission announced that will begin the process of decommissioning Platform Holly, an oil and gas infrastructure in the Pacific Ocean.The news…

Donald Trump Continues His All Talk, No Action Presidency

Washington, DC -- Today, Donald Trump fired off a series of tweets complaining about government funding, when in reality, it is his budget that included cuts for the programs mentioned, and it’s his…