“Master Negotiator” Donald Trump Lies About then Fails On Keystone XL Steel


Jonathon Berman, (202) 297-7533, jonathon.berman@sierraclub.org

Washington, DC -- Late yesterday evening, news broke that TransCanada, the company behind the formerly rejected Keystone XL pipeline, will not be required to use U.S. steel to construct the dirty tar sands pipeline from Alberta, Canada through the U.S. to refineries in the Houston area. This is in spite of the repeated pledges by Donald Trump -- including at Tuesday’s speech before a joint session of Congress -- that it will be built with “American steel.”

Earlier this week, TransCanada delayed its $15 billion Investor State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) suit under NAFTA over President Barack Obama’s rejection of the pipeline until March 27, the same day that the final permitting decision for Keystone XL is due. It has been speculated that the lawsuit was suspended rather that dropped to ensure that TransCanada was not required to use U.S. steel despite Trump’s public statements that it would be.

In response, Sierra Club Executive DIrector Michael Brune released the following statement:

“Donald Trump has sought to portray himself as some sort of master negotiator, but he clearly needs to spend more time in an apprenticeship. Just days ago, Trump pledged before the country and Congress that the Keystone XL pipeline that he was forcing on this country would be made with American steel, but instead, he was outmaneuvered by a foreign company that wants to use imported steel.

“The only winner of this ‘deal’ is TransCanada, which is using a $15 billion threat under NAFTA’s deeply flawed corporate tribunal system to outmaneuver Trump and push a dirty and dangerous pipeline across our country.

“TransCanada’s success over Trump is what happens when you have an administration stacked with fossil fuel billionaires and a trade deal that enables corporate polluters to push their agenda at will. Keystone XL is a disaster waiting to happen for our economy, our health, and our climate, which is why it was rejected and must remain so.”
