After 100 Days of Trump’s Failures, The Peoples Climate March Takes to the Streets


Jonathon Berman, (202) 297-7533,

Washington, DC -- Today, tens of thousands of people will pack Pennsylvania Ave in Washington, D.C. and streets in cities across America to show Donald Trump that the public will continue to resist his disastrous and divisive agenda that puts the profits of polluters before the health of our planet, our economy, and the frontline communities already facing the worst effects of pollution and the climate crisis.

The Peoples Climate March is led by a groundbreaking coalition of frontline communities, faith leaders, labor activists, civil rights champions, and climate justice advocates. Together, we are demanding commonsense protections for the air we breathe, the water we drink and the health of the vulnerable communities who have the most to lose under Donald Trump’s administration.

The Peoples Climate March grew out of the largest climate march in history, the September 2014 New York City mobilization supporting an environmental agenda based on economic and racial justice.

In response, Sierra Club Executive Director Michael Brune released the following statement:

“After 100 days in office, people all across this country have more than 100 reasons to take to the streets and tell Donald Trump that we will not sit idly by while he attacks our communities, our families, and our climate. If anyone thought the resistance would fracture or weaken, this historic action to surround the White House should be a wake up call. We are not going away.

“Trump’s presidency has failed the American people. Trump has failed to protect our water, he has failed to protect our air, he has failed to protect the health of millions of Americans, and, despite all his attempts, he continues to fail to divide us with his hateful policies and rhetoric. The only people Donald Trump has not failed in his first 100 days in office are the corporate polluters he appeases with dangerous new policies on a regular basis.”

“The people are resisting. We are building a bigger and stronger community in spite of this administration’s divisiveness. And we will continue to rise up against Trump and his allies until the threat they pose to our communities, our families, our friends, and our neighbors is halted.”
