Jonathon Berman

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Press Releases

FERC Attempts to Move Fracked Gas Pipeline Forward Despite Faulty Reviews

Washington, D.C. -- Today, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission granted Williams Transco the right to begin construction on the fracked gas Atlantic Sunrise Pipeline despite a faulty water review…

ICYMI: Pruitt and Trump Seek to Close EPA Lab in Houston Crucial for Recovery

Houston, TX -- Today, the Houston Chronicle reported that Donald Trump and Scott Pruitt is set to close EPA’s Region 6 Environmental Services Laboratory. The majority of the lab’s work has been…

Three Governors Take Significant Action to Ban Fracking

WEST TRENTON, N.J. -- Today, Governors Tom Wolf (PA), Andrew Cuomo (NY), and John Carney (DE), commissioners of the Delaware River Basin Commission (DRBC), voted to direct the executive director to…

ICYMI: Florida’s U.S. Senator Bill Nelson Calls Out Climate Deniers

Washington, DC -- Late yesterday, Senator Bill Nelson of Florida called out those who continue to deny climate change despite hurricanes ravaging our coastal states and wildfires tearing through the…

EPA Pick Pruitt Set to Continue Accepting Fossil Fuel Donations

Washington, DC -- According to E&E News, the Super PAC supporting Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt, Donald Trump’s nominee to be EPA Administrator, is set to continue operations even in the…

Sierra Club Releases Two Ads Exposing Pruitt’s Dirty History

Washington, DC -- Today, just ahead of the confirmation hearing for Donald Trump’s nominee for the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the Sierra Club released two hard-hitting ads revealing why…

Trump Gaslights While Gas Tycoon Testifies For Secretary of State

Washington, DC -- Today, President Elect Donald Trump held his first press conference since July 27, 2016 while the Senate Foreign Relations committee held a hearing on his nominee for Secretary of…

Anti-Environment, Anti-Women, Anti-Worker Supreme Court Nominee To Testify Before Senate Judiciary

Washington, DC -- Today, Donald Trump’s nominee to serve on the Supreme Court, Neil Gorsuch, is set to testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee.In response, Sierra Club Executive Director…

Donald Trump Reverses Obama’s Correct Decision on Keystone XL Pipeline

Washington, DC -- Today, Donald Trump reversed President Barack Obama’s decision rejecting the Keystone XL pipeline, granting TransCanada the federal cross-border permit required to construct the tar…

Donald Trump’s Nominee to the Supreme Court Rejected

Washington, DC -- Today, Senate Republicans rushed through a confirmation vote on Donald Trump’s nominee to the U.S. Supreme Court. Judge Neil Gorsuch has been met with widespread criticism both…