Jonathon Berman

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Press Releases

Unable to Convince America of His Lies, Trump Forced to End Voting Commission Charade

Washington, DC -- Today, in the face of not a single piece of evidence validating his thoroughly debunked claims that 2-3 million Americans voted illegally in the 2016 election, Donald Trump has…

Trump Administration’s Pettiness and Cruelty Surpassed Only by its Shortsightedness

Washington, DC -- Today, Donald Trump’s Department of Housing and Urban Development announced that it will block the flood-protection standard promulgated by the Obama administration, which sought to…

ICYMI: Radiation Scandal LandsTrump CEQ Nominee in Deeper Water

Washington, DC -- Today, Scripps News reported that Donald Trump’s nominee for the Council on Environmental Quality, Kathleen Hartnett White, is distancing herself from her testimony before the…

ICYMI: Public Outrage Forces Pruitt to Shrink Political Operations

Washington, DC -- After swift and immediate outrage over a Mother Jones report that Scott Pruitt spent $120,000 of taxpayer funds on a partisan political consultant, the Washington Post is reporting…

ICYMI: Pruitt Attempting to Run a Police State, Not EPA

Washington, DC -- On Friday, Mother Jones first reported that EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt has wasted $120,000 of taxpayer funds on a political political consulting firm. The funds went to…

ICYMI: Pruitt Wastes Taxpayer Funds To Advance Political Aspirations, Ease Paranoia

Washington, DC -- Today, Mother Jones reported that Scott Pruitt has wasted $120,000 of taxpayer funds on a political political consulting firm. The funds went to Republican political consultant Matt…

Trump’s Stunts Remind Country He’s Propped Up By Corporate Polluters, Not Americans

Washington, DC -- Today, Donald Trump brought back one of his previous executive orders when he touted the damage inflicted through his two for one safeguard initiative and promised even further harm…

Senate Should Provide Same Scrutiny Dourson Received to All Trump’s Nominees

Washington, DC -- Today, Bloomberg reported that former chemical industry consultant and Donald Trump’s nominee to lead the EPA’s Office of Chemical Safety and Pollution Prevention, Michael Dourson,…

ICYMI: Trump’s CEQ Nominee Caught Plagiarizing Senate Responses

Washington, DC -- Today, Donald Trump’s nominee to the Council on Environmental Quality, Kathleen Hartnett White, was caught having plagiarized at least 18 of EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt and Air…

“Largest Ever” Lease Sale Flop Further Disproves Republican Tax Scam Claim

Anchorage, AK -- Yesterday, what the Trump administration had billed the “Largest Ever” lease sale for fossil fuel development on public lands, covering 10.3 million acres, generated minimal interest…