Jonathon Berman

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Press Releases

Pruitt’s Science Advisory Board Moves to Review His Attacks on Science, Clean Air and Water

Washington, DC -- Today, the EPA’s Science Advisory Board, filled with a number of people handpicked by Scott Pruitt, voted to review the supporting science for Pruitt’s attempts to repeal the Clean…

Sierra Club: Michael Stoker is a Threat to Clean Air and Water

San Francisco, CA -- Today, embattled EPA administrator Scott Pruitt announced he is naming agricultural attorney Mike Stoker to head EPA’s Region 9. This region consists of Arizona, California,…

Court Denies FERC’s Attempt to Further Delay Challenge to Mountain Valley Pipeline

Washington, DC -- Today, the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals denied FERC’s motion to hold the Sierra Club and partners’ challenge to the Mountain Valley Pipeline in abeyance. FERC had argued that the…

Sierra Club Endorses Susie Lee for Congress

Nation’s Largest Grassroots Environmental Organization Praises Lee’s Strong Commitment to Protecting the Environment and Public HealthLas Vegas, NV -- Today, the Nevada Sierra Club announced its…

Court Invalidates Incidental Take Statement, Halting Construction on Atlantic Coast Pipeline

Richmond, VA -- Today, the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals vacated the Incidental Take permit for the Atlantic Coast Pipeline. The permit, granted by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, authorizes…

Sierra Club and Others Take Legal Action to Protect Clean Car Standards

Washington, DC -- Today, the Sierra Club and other environmental and consumer advocacy groups filed a petition for review with the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia against Scott…

Ford and Other Automakers Are Trying to Remake Their Bed

Washington, DC -- Today, Ford and other auto executives are set to meet with Donald Trump, Scott Pruitt, and Elaine Chao to discuss the administration’s plans to rollback the clean car standards. The…

Ford and Auto Industry Try to Clean Up Their Mess on Clean Car Standards

Washington, DC -- After having worked with Donald Trump and his administration for more than a year to rollback the clean car standards, Ford and other automakers’ trade group, the Auto Alliance, is…

‘Dirty Ford’ Transports More Than a Quarter Million Petitions to Ford’s World Headquarters

DETROIT – A 2006 Ford Focus – dubbed the “Dirty Ford” and stuffed with banker boxes carrying more than a quarter million petition signatures – is heading to Ford Motor Company today with a message:…

Former Volkswagen CEO Charged For Misleading Americans and Regulators on Cheating Scandal

Washington, DC -- Today, it was reported that federal prosecutors have charged former Volkswagen CEO Martin Winterkorn for conspiring to mislead regulators over its emissions cheating scandal. It is…