Gabby Kientzle

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Press Releases

Greater Chaco Spared from Fracking Auction

Farmington, NM: Yesterday, the Department of the Interior announced the cancellation of an oil and gas lease sale near Chaco Culture National Historical Park, a UNESCO Heritage Site in northern New…

In Yet Another Political Stunt, Zinke Announces Long Island Offshore Drilling Hearing

Brookhaven, NY -- Last night, it was reported that the Department of the Interior will host a second public hearing in New York tomorrow on its draft offshore drilling plan. The plan, which would…

ICYMI: Trump Administration Wants to Ensure Companies Pay as Little as Possible to Threaten Coasts with Offshore Drilling

Washington, DC -- Yesterday, the Washington Post reported that an Interior Department advisory panel is considering making it even cheaper and easier for oil and gas companies to lease public waters…

Court Rejects Trump and Zinke’s Attempt to Delay Key Pollution Safeguard

Washington, DC -- Last night, the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California rejected the Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) suspension of a key safeguard that would limit methane…

DC Tells Trump Administration: No New Offshore Drilling

Washington, DC --  This afternoon, DC residents and District officials gathered to send a strong message of opposition to the Trump administration’s offshore drilling plan.In early January,…

Minnesota PUC Refuses to Adequately Consider Cultural Impacts of Line 3 Tar Sands Pipeline

St. Paul, MN -- Today, the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission (PUC) announced that they have rejected a motion that would have allowed them to ensure that Tribal concerns were being adequately…

ICYMI: Cowed by Fossil Fuel Industry, Trump Drops Promise to Build Pipelines from American Steel

Washington, DC -- When Donald Trump reversed the rejection of the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline, he touted his plan to require that the pipeline be built using only American-made steel. The…

Governor Inslee Retracts Support for Kalama Methanol Refinery

Seattle, WA -- In a statement released late last week, Governor Jay Inslee backed off his previous support of the proposed Kalama methanol project, noting the importance of “a rigorous environmental…

Trump and Zinke Propose Gutting Commonsense Pollution Safeguard

Washington, DC -- Today, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) released a proposal to gut a key safeguard that would limit methane pollution from oil and gas drilling operations. This is the first…

Line 3 Review Fails to Address Tribal, Environmental Concerns

St. Paul, MN -- Today, the Minnesota Department of Commerce provided revisions to its final environmental impact statement (FEIS) on Enbridge’s proposed Line 3 tar sands pipeline. The Minnesota…