Sierra Club Applauds Maryland House of Delegates for Passing Maryland Metro Funding Act


Gabby Brown, (202) 495-3051,

David Smedick, (443) 789-4536,

Annapolis, MD -- Today, the Maryland House of Delegates passed the Maryland Metro Funding Act of 2018 with a 98-40 vote. The bill provides $150 million of annual dedicated funding for the WMATA metro system and additional funds for MTA and the Baltimore region. According to the Washington Post, the compromise is supported by Governor Hogan and is now slated to be taken up by the Senate in the coming weeks.

WMATA has made it clear that the system needs an injection of $500 million of dedicated funding. Their breakdown suggests that Maryland should be responsible for $167 million of the $500 million.

The transportation sector is now the largest source of dangerous climate-disrupting pollution in the country and is a large contributor of other harmful pollution like nitrogen oxides, which can be limited by expanding public transportation.

In response, Brian Ditzler, Chair of the Maryland Chapter of the Sierra Club, released the following statement:

“We want to thank the Maryland House of Delegates for supporting public transportation by passing the Maryland Metro Funding Act. With the transportation sector now acting as the nation’s largest source of climate-disrupting pollution, we need bold action to support existing, and deploy more, clean transportation solutions. Metro is responsible for saving over 40 million gallons of fuel each year, helping us breathe easier.

“We are very happy to see this bill include support for the Baltimore-area transit system as well, especially in the wake of the recent metro system closure for the city. Our transportation solutions must reflect a more equitable future, and this bill is a step in the right direction. We hope that through the work in the Senate and the continued spirit of compromise, the General Assembly will ultimately make Metro whole and provide WMATA the full $167 million annually that it needs from Maryland.”


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The Sierra Club is America’s largest and most influential grassroots environmental organization, with more than 3 million members and supporters. In addition to helping people from all backgrounds explore nature and our outdoor heritage, the Sierra Club works to promote clean energy, safeguard the health of our communities, protect wildlife, and preserve our remaining wild places through grassroots activism, public education, lobbying, and legal action. For more information, visit