Gabby Kientzle

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Press Releases

Zinke’s “Bellwether” Gulf Offshore Lease Sale Falls Flat

New Orleans, LA -- Today, the Department of the Interior hosted what it had touted as the  largest offshore oil and gas lease sale in American history, offering up all available, unleased areas…

Court Allows Conservation and Alaska Native groups to challenge Trump’s reversal of Arctic and Atlantic drilling ban

Anchorage, AK — Conservation and Alaska Native groups have a green light to hold President Trump accountable to the rule of law. The coalition of ten groups had sued Trump in May of 2017 over…

Line 3 Review Fails to Address Tribal, Environmental Concerns

St. Paul, MN -- Today, the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission (PUC) ruled that the final environmental impact statement (FEIS) on Enbridge’s proposed Line 3 tar sands pipeline will be considered…

ICYMI: New Report Reveals Extent of Fracking Threat to Public Health

A new report released today by Physicians for Social Responsibility and Concerned Health Professionals of New York further highlights the serious threat fracking poses to public health, noting that…

Pruitt Threatens to Put Clean Car Standards in Reverse

Washington, DC -- Today, EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt told Bloomberg News that he does not plan to extend clean car standards implemented by the Obama administration past 2025. He also suggested…

Kasich Backs Petrochemical Hub That Would Threaten Public Health, Increase Fracking

Belmont County, OH -- Today, Ohio Governor John Kasich announced a new partner for a proposed ethane cracker plant in Belmont County. The proposed facility is one of five proposed petrochemical…

Sierra Club Applauds Maryland House of Delegates for Passing Maryland Metro Funding Act

Annapolis, MD -- Today, the Maryland House of Delegates passed the Maryland Metro Funding Act of 2018 with a 98-40 vote. The bill provides $150 million of annual dedicated funding for the WMATA metro…

White House to Host Meeting for Their Oil Industry Pals

Washington, DC -- Last night, Politico reported that the American Petroleum Institute’s executive committee will visit the White House next week to discuss energy policy.In response, Sierra Club…

ICYMI: Massive Methane Spill Revealed at Exploded Oil and Gas Site in Ohio

Captina Creek, OH -- Yesterday, footage released by Earthworks revealed the extent of a massive methane disaster at an exploded XTO oil and gas site in Belmont County, Ohio. According to an incident…

Broad coalition stands up against drilling off of Massachusetts’ coast

Boston – Local and state officials, business leaders, environmentalists, and coastal community residents held a rally today to speak out against the Trump administration’s proposal to open up…