Gabby Kientzle

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Press Releases

Facing Widespread Public Opposition, Kinder Morgan Halts Work on Tar Sands Pipeline

Yesterday, Kinder Morgan announced that it will suspend work on its Trans Mountain tar sands pipeline. The controversial pipeline faces legal challenges as well as widespread public opposition across…

Sierra Club Applauds Maryland General Assembly for Supporting Public Transportation

Annapolis, MD -- The Maryland House of Delegates joined the Senate in passing the Maryland Metro/Transit Funding Act of 2018 today. The bill provides $167 million of annual dedicated funding to the…

At Oil Company’s Request, Trump Administration Blocks Shareholder Resolution on Climate Change

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has reportedly taken unprecedented action on behalf of an oil company by blocking a shareholder resolution on climate change. Axios reported this morning…

Trump Administration Begins Process for Arctic Ocean Offshore Drilling

Anchorage, AK -- Today, the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) announced it will begin the process for an offshore drilling lease sale in Alaska’s Beaufort Sea.The sale would take place in 2019…

In a Gift for Automakers, Trump Administration Cancels Fee Hike for Gas Guzzlers

Washington, DC -- Last night, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) released a proposal to cancel an increase in civil penalties for automakers whose vehicles fail to meet fuel-…

Zinke’s Year of Pushing His Pro-Polluter Agenda

Washington, DC -- One year ago, Donald Trump signed an executive order aimed at exploiting our public lands for fossil fuel development and rolling back Obama-era safeguards. Included in this order…

Report Finds Major Banks Ramped Up Fossil Fuel Financing to $115 billion in 2017

Despite 2017 being the costliest year on record for weather disasters, the report reveals that banks increased extreme fossil fuel financing last year, led by a more than doubling in lending to tar…

ICYMI: Zinke Seeks to Rush Offshore Drilling Permitting

Washington, DC -- Yesterday, the Department of the Interior announced that it will seek to identify more ways to speed up permitting for offshore oil and gas drilling off America's coasts.The…

Zinke’s “Bellwether” Gulf Offshore Lease Sale Falls Flat

New Orleans, LA -- Today, the Department of the Interior hosted what it had touted as the  largest offshore oil and gas lease sale in American history, offering up all available, unleased areas…

Court Allows Conservation and Alaska Native groups to challenge Trump’s reversal of Arctic and Atlantic drilling ban

Anchorage, AK — Conservation and Alaska Native groups have a green light to hold President Trump accountable to the rule of law. The coalition of ten groups had sued Trump in May of 2017 over…