Media Advisory: Atlantic Coast Pipeline Opponents to Rally Outside Bank of America Shareholder Meeting in Charlotte


Gabby Brown,

Caroline Hansley,, 828-808-6151

Charlotte, NC -- A crowd of activists will rally Wednesday outside of a meeting of Bank of America’s shareholders and executives to call on the Charlotte-based bank to drop its financing of dirty and destructive fossil fuel projects.

Bank of America is one of the leading banks on a multibillion-dollar loan covering half the construction cost of Duke and Dominion’s proposed Atlantic Coast Pipeline (ACP), with Bank of America committing $225 million to the credit facility. ACP would run over 600 miles through West Virginia, Virginia, and North Carolina, slicing through pristine forests, scenic lands, and waterways. In addition to exacerbating climate change by leaking and burning methane, the pipeline’s construction threatens public health, air and water quality, and disproportionately affects low-income residents and communities of color.

Bank of America is also a key investor in the company behind the proposed Mountain Valley Pipeline (MVP), which developers recently announced will extend into North Carolina. The crowd will call on the bank to drop its funding for destructive pipelines like ACP and MVP and other dirty fossil fuel projects.

WHAT: Atlantic Coast Pipeline Opponents to Rally Outside Bank of America Shareholder Meeting in Charlotte

WHO: North Carolina activists and landowners opposed to the proposed Atlantic Coast Pipeline

WHERE: Hilton Charlotte Center City, 222 E Third Street, Charlotte, NC

WHEN: Wednesday, April 25, 11:00 AM EDT


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