Juniper Group Forest Goals

Lava Cast Collaborative Field Trip
with Forest Service and Nature
Conservancy, photo by Larry Pennington

The Juniper Group area contains six major National Forests. In each of these forests we seek to return forest as quickly as possible to a natural long-term growth pattern that shelters and sustains wildlife while protecting soil structural integrity. This means ceasing logging and so-called "vegetation management" in remote areas so a natural old growth structure can return through the natural processes of forest growth cycles and periodic fires. Where human activity is adjacent to the forests, any necessary management to reduce wildfire hazards caused by prior abuse of the forests must be done in accordance with the latest peer-reviewed science. Forest Management Plans must place a priority on supporting the needs of wildlife and biodiversity. The priceless role forests play in watershed purity and seasonal flow buffering must be preserved. We seek to work with Forest Service managers in a cooperative way to accomplish these objectives.

Oregon's National Forests

Oregon is blessed with beautiful National Forests: from the coasts to the High Cascades to Hell's Canyon. 

Oregon's National Forests