Juniper Group Contacts

Below are the people who lead the Central Oregon efforts of the Juniper Group. All of them are dedicated to preserving our environment and fantastic Central Oregon quality of life. Feel free to contact any of them for questions about issues and initiatives you find on the other pages of this web site. And, most of all, how YOU can get involved. We need your expertise in many areas, from forest ecology to wildlife to groundwater hydrology. See the Executive Committee page for more information about the Executive Committee members.

Executive Committee

Gretchen Valido Group Chair
Mathieu Federspiel Group Vice-Chair
Vacant Secretary
Larry Pennington Treasurer, Webmaster
Kelly Smith Member
Nancy Gilbert Member
Vacant Member


Committee Chairs / Issue Coordinators

Outings Kelly Smith
Political Committee Gretchen Valido
Newsletter Gretchen Valido
Membership/Volunteer Coordinator Gretchen Valido
Program Nights Gretchen Valido
Activities Coordinator Vacant
Federal Projects Review and Comment Mathieu Federspiel
Water Conservation Nancy Gilbert


Contact Information
Please sadly NOTE: All email addresses and phone numbers have been removed from our website due to widespread and serious scamming attempts against our members, some recently successful. Please contact our Chair, Gretchen Valido, using Juniper Group addresses below and she will forward your communication to the appropriate person.

Juniper Group Mailing Addresses:
Juniper Group Sierra Club
c/o Environmental Center
16 NW Kansas Ave.
Bend, OR 97703