Ready for 100 Columbus Campaign from OBLSK on Vimeo.
Renewable energy is here, and Columbus, Ohio is ready!
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change says the world must cut carbon emissions in half by 2030 and to zero by 2050 if we are to preserve a livable planet. Everyone must do their part, but cities play a special role in addressing climate change because they are responsible for 70% of carbon emissions.
Ready for 100 is a campaign to ask the city of Columbus to commit to 100% renewable energy communitywide. Columbus is the 14th largest city in the country, so what we do matters.
As of mid-2019, 120 cities – including both Cleveland and Cincinnati – have passed legislation committing to 100% renewable energy. So have 11 counties and six states. In addition, more than 200 mayors have pledged to pass this legislation in their cities.
Climate change is directly affecting Columbus right now. The city’s average annual temperature has increased 2.3 degrees F since 1951, and the number of days with precipitation exceeding 1.25 inches has increased 78%. Columbus also has the eighth most intense and fastest-growing urban heat island effect in the nation.
Hardest hit are those who can least afford it – low income communities and communities of color. The Franklin County Energy Study found that six neighborhoods in Columbus -- Linden, King-Lincoln, Hilltop, Weinland Park, and Olde Towne East -- pay twice to three times the average amount of their household income on energy.
What are we doing now?
There are three main parts to the Ready for 100 Columbus campaign.
Grassroots. This year we are attending community festivals and events to tell people about our campaign and ask them to sign our petition to the city. We are also attending meetings of neighborhood area commissions to find out what is happening on the ground across Columbus.
Grasstops. We are meeting with elected leaders, city officials, and business and community leaders to talk about how Columbus can transition to 100% renewable energy, and how that will help our city and its residents.
Communications. We are creating fact sheets, running social media, and making videos about how renewable energy can open opportunities to transform our lives in Columbus.
Get Involved!
Interested in learning more and joining the Ready for 100 Columbus campaign? There are lots of ways you can get involved:
- Like us on Facebook
- Follow us on Twitter
- Sign our petition to the city
- Fill out our Volunteer Interest Survey:
You can also join us at any of our meetings or events, listed on the Sierra Club Central Ohio Group’s online calendar or under the Events section of our Facebook page.