New Hampshire Chapter | Sierra Club

Thank you for visiting the New Hampshire Sierra Club website. New Hampshire Sierra Club is a non-profit member-supported, public interest organization that promotes conservation of New Hampshire's natural environment by influencing public policy decisions—legislative, administrative, legal, and electoral. 

Embracing the Jemez Principles ( the Chapter actively pursues the Sierra Club motto: 

  • *To explore, enjoy, and protect the wild places of the earth;
  • *To practice and promote the responsible use of the earth's ecosystems and resources;
  • *To educate and enlist humanity to protect and restore the quality of the natural and human environment; and to use all lawful means to carry out these objectives.

There are more than 15,000 Sierra Club members and supporters in New Hampshire and over 2.1 million across the country. We are your family, friends, and neighbors. Please use our website as a resource and come often.


2024 Volunteers Needed

The New Hampshire Chapter has reached an exciting moment and we invite you to come along to have a serious impact in our state. We are looking for people just like you to build the community that will address climate impacts on our communities, fellow residents and wildlife; advocate for vibrant forests, safe drinking water, and vast public lands with access for all people; and clean energy choices for all residents no matter of their incomes, geography, religion, ability, identity, or ethnicity. We welcome everyone who shares our values with this goal in mind.

Please tell us how you can help by filling out this survey, today! 


2024 NH Chapter Photo Contest

You love the landscapes, the recreation, the neighborhood park. The early mornings by a lake or river. The summer sunsets. Submit a photo of what you want to protect in the Granite State to the NH Sierra Club photo contest. The contest is for professionals and amateur photographers alike. You are encouraged to submit your best. You can submit more than one if you have a few. Pictures of wildlife, trees, landscapes, people enjoying the outdoors, urban or even puffy clouds. The sky is the only limit. May the best photo win!!

Requirements: Pictures must be from New Hampshire and in a high quality format. You can submit more than one photo. The last day to enter a photo is August 16th at midnight. The winning photo will be used with a credit for the NH Sierra Club donor thank you letter. All entries with credits will be eligible for the chapter to use as they see fit. All submissions are considered property of the chapter and if displayed electronically or otherwise you will be acknowledged as the creator. 

Submit your photos today!

2023 NH Sierra Club Photo Contest Winner is

Andrew C. Najberg!! 

Andrew C. Najberg 2023 Photo Contest Winner


Congratulations to Andrew C. Najberg for submitting the winning shot of the 2023 Annual Photo Contest!

The photo called "Mount Lincoln via Falling Waters" shows the majestic ridge line of Franconia Notch suspended like a wave above the sea of yellow and gold fall foliage pictured from the neighboring summit of Mount Lincoln. Mr. Najberg's winning phot will don the 2024 thank you note. When you donate, you will have an award winning photo of the beauty of the Granite State in your own home. Many thanks to all who submitted photos for another great contest.


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