A Glimpse Behind the NV Energy Resilience Corridors Project

Watching the progression of the NV Energy Resilience Corridors Project we were very concerned with the excessive removal of trees during October 2022. To learn more about the agreement behind, and scope of the project, we requested the contract between NV Energy and Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit (LTBMU) of the U.S. Forest Service under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). Requested in December of 2022, the contract was just received at the end of March 2023. (FOIA requests are due within 20 days, this was delivered in 103.) 

This NV Energy Resilience Corridors Project was approved using a Categorical Exclusion by LTBMU and is included as one of Tahoe Regional Planning Agency’s Environmental Improvement Projects. The Tahoe Area Group intends to take action and write to NV Energy and LTBMU regarding their next phase.

One of the NV Energy Resilience Corridors Projects took place parallel to Chimney Rock Road. Quotes from a February 2023 Record-Courier article describe the work along Chimney Rock Road as "the contractors made some mistakes in the beginning that we had to mitigate and that the public messaging should have been better", "the work was amateurish. We have good examples of harvesting trees and improving water quality, this was not one”, and "Supervisory controls to ensure the trees selected and minimizing the soil disruption was not evident. Logically, you would expect more aggressive removal nearest the lines, but that activity went beyond those reasonable limits in both riparian areas and even on private property.”