Tahoe Area Group News and Updates
Catch up on the current issues the Tahoe Area Group is watching and addressing through our ongoing protection of the natural environment and resources of the Lake Tahoe basin and Truckee River drainage.
Single-Use Plastics Ban Campaign
With recent studies and past spotlight on the litter issue in the Lake Tahoe basin, the Tahoe Area Group has created their own plastics campaign to target single-use plastics and reduce the use around the basin to remove the harm to the environment...
Tahoe Keys Weeds
Lake Tahoe is threatened by invasive aquatic weeds. Your help is needed to save it.
Tahoe Keys is a private residential development of over 1500 homes and a marina at the south end of Lake Tahoe, built in the 1960s by dredging and destroying...
Washoe Meadows State Park
Washoe Meadows Update
A coalition of conservation organizations supported Washoe Meadows Community’s initiation of actions to protect Washoe Meadows State Park from the proposed incursion of a golf course development. The Sierra Club took...