Recorded Presentations

Recorded Presentations

Geological History in the Lake Tahoe Basin

(Originally presented 6/07/2024)
Paula Noble,  professor in the Department of Geological Sciences and Global Water Center at the University of Nevada, Reno, presented her research on Fallen Leaf Lake on exploring the late Holocene era (the past 12000 years) utilizing lake core sediment. Watch the recording of the presentation here.  

Why are Sierra Nevada Forests in Crisis? What Can Activists Do?

(Originally presented 11/09/2023)
John Buckley, the Director of Central Sierra Environmental Resource Center gave a slide presentation on the state of Sierra forests, trends in forest management, threats, and things activists can do to promote better forest management practices.  Watch the recording of the presentation here.  

Mythbusting Tahoe

(Originally presented 1/24/2023)
Come uncover the truth behind Lake Tahoe's popular myths and legends! This presentation featuring guest speaker: Sarah Hockensmith (Tahoe Institute for Natural Science (TINS)), explores the unique history, geology, flora, and fauna of Tahoe's Sierra Nevada and Carson Range, and is proudly sponsored by the Sierra Club. Watch as Sarah explores topics and debunks common misconceptions about the Lake Tahoe Basin and its related ecosystems! Watch the recorded virtual presentation here.  

Microplastics and Lake Tahoe 

(Originally presented 10/27/2022)
Microplastics, plastics smaller than 5 millimeters, are found throughout the environment. These particles are the result of plastic pollution and have been found in Lake Tahoe and in the surrounding region.  Scientists at the Desert Research Institute, with the help of citizen scientists, are working to understand the threat of plastics in the lake.  Researchers Rachel Kozloski and Hannah Lukasik will join us for a virtual presentation about plastics, their presence in the environment, and the implications microplastics have for the Lake Tahoe area. Watch the recorded virtual presentation here.  

Living With Bears!

(Originally presented 5/26/2022)
Kathryn Bricker of No Bear Hunt Nevada and Ann Bryant of the BEAR League of Lake Tahoe presented a program on coexisting with bears in Lake Tahoe. Kathryn discussed the Drivers of Human-to-Human conflict over Living with Bears, and Ann followed with a presentation on Bears: Replacing Fear with Fact.  Watch the recording of the evening's presentations and discussions

Wildflower's of Tahoe

(Originally presented on 5/22/2022)
Sarah Hockensmith, The Tahoe Institute for Natural Science (TINS) Outreach Director, gave a wonderful presentation on Wildflowers of Tahoe.  Watch the recording of the event

 Mountain Ash

Tahoe Network of Fire Adapted Communities

(Originally presented 1/26/2022)
 Amanda Milici and Mike Vollmer of Tahoe Resource Conservation District spoke about the history of wildfire in Lake Tahoe and wildfire preparedness efforts through the Tahoe Network of Fire Adapted Communities. Watch a recording of the presentation here.  Amanda and Mike also provided links to a number of resources to help Tahoe residents increase the resiliency of their homes to wildfire: