Southern Maryland Group


The Southern Maryland Group is active in Charles, Calvert, and St. Mary's Counties.

Our motto is Explore, Enjoy, & Protect the Planet. We bring this into all aspects of our work throughout Southern Maryland. But we can't do it without you... so get involved today!

"EXPLORE" our beautiful rural home!

Check the page for Activities and Outings in Southern Maryland and plan to come along on our next outdoor adventure or work day around Southern Maryland such as invasive plant removals, tree plantings, and native plant gardens!

"ENJOY" the outdoors with friends old and new!

Get outside for the Weekly Wanders! Come to a nature hike or social activity!  Like and follow us on social media: @somdsierraclub on Facebook, Instagram, & Twitter

"PROTECT" - Conservation Issues in Southern Maryland!

Attend a meeting of the Southern Maryland Group, or volunteer to serve on the Executive Committee.  Join us as we discuss upcoming local environmental advocacy efforts in county planning, political activism and more!

Southern Maryland Conservation goals:

  1. Preserving and protecting forest, wetlands and native ecosystems in Southern Maryland.
  2. Moving from unbridled growth to a smart growth development model in the tri-county area and promote measures designed to adhere to smart growth principles.
  3. Promoting measures that would maintain and improve local air quality and water quality and sustainability in tributary rivers, bay, surface and groundwater.
  4. Advocating for a just and equitable transition of our local energy sources from the dominant gas and coal infrastructure to clean and renewable energy solar and wind while supporting impacted communities.

Monthly "Meetings"

We "meet" monthly via webinar to save our energy, time and carbon footprint and to make our meetings inclusive to our geographically spread-out region.  Our Executive Committee is a 9 member-elected board that organizes a conservation and political program, as well as nature and service outings and local campaigns. There's lots to do, so meetings are open to those interested in getting more involved in our movement! Agendas include business related to local conservation issues and discussion on hot topics in the environmental advocacy movement.

Contact the Southern Maryland Group!

Contact to RSVP to get the login info and agenda prior to the Wednesday evening web meeting. Contact any of our current volunteer leaders to learn more about how to get involved.

You are invited to join the Sierra Club or donate to support our Southern Maryland group using the buttons below. Our group will receive a commission for memberships created using these buttons.

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Click Here to Donate to the Southern Maryland Group via PayPal