The combustion of fossil fuels harms not only our global climate, but also our health and natural environment here in Maryland.
Toxic emissions like nitrogen oxides, mercury, and soot from burning fossil fuels in our power plants, buildings and vehicles are hazardous to human health and are linked to cancers, heart disease, asthma, and other respiratory diseases. The majority of Marylanders live in counties with unhealthy air.
Maryland has made significant reductions in pollution from the electricity sector, largely by reducing combustion of coal, but the state still has significant room for progress, particularly in expanding in-state clean energy.
Reducing pollution from coal and gas, and replacing that generation with clean renewable energy, will reduce our greenhouse gas emissions and public health harms.
We support strategies that center equity and improve the health and environment for all Marylanders.
Current work can be seen in our:
- recommendations to the Maryland Commission on Climate Change
- legislative priorities
- bill testimonies
- action alerts
- activism
- advocacy.
Previous work is detailed on the following two webpages.
If you would like to get involved, please email ---.