Announcement of New Chair - New Chair elected at ExComm July meeting

Dave Sears expressed his praise for Shruti Bhatnagar, who was recently elected as the new Chair of the MoCo Sierra Club!  Sears (who served as Chair for the past 4+ years) said "Shruti has exactly the three key characteristics that an organization like Sierra Club needs in its leaders.  First, she is extremely personable; I have seen her in action for the past several months -- and it is clear that she works well with others -- both inside Sierra Club and outside.  Second, she exhibits good judgment -- she is thoughtful, and she carefully weighs the input of others. Third, she is willing to devote the many hours of hard work each week needed to get the job done.  And beyond that, as a bonus, she is well grounded in the civic culture of the county."

Sears continued -- "I'm staying on the ExCom as Land Use Chair.  I'm looking forward to continue our work under Shruti Bhatnagar's excellent leadership!  She will be a strong and effective leader; she will assure that the MoCo Sierra Club has an ever-increasing impact on programs and policies that will enable the county to quickly and effectively address climate change!"

Shruti Bhatnagar, Chair

Shruti Bhatnagar, Chair