Legislative Testimony 2024

Testimony 2024

Below is our testimony on Maryland General Assembly bills during the 2024 legislative session. Click on the blue links to see the testimony. The bills are in numerical order. Crossfiled Senate bills are listed according to House bill number. Testimony is in support of bills unless otherwise indicated in parentheses after the bill title.

Quickly look up the status of a bill using the buttons below. The format requires four numbers. So for a bill like HB40, you would type in hb0040 in the search box. For SB549, type in sb0549.

Look Up House Bill     Look Up Senate Bill


  • HB 130/SB 258 – “Department of General Services – State Buildings and Facilities – Energy Conservation and Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reductions” 
  • HB 166/SB 146 – “Renewable Energy Portfolio Standard - Eligible Sources - Alterations (Reclaim Renewable Energy Act of 2024)” 
  • HB 216/SB 206 – “Condominiums - Common Elements – Clean Energy Equipment” 
  • HB 258/SB 416 – “Renewable Energy – Customer-Sited Solar Program” 
  • HB 352/SB 362 – “Budget Reconciliation and Financing Act of 2024” 
  • HB 397/SB 570 – "Public Utilities – Thermal Energy Network Systems – Authorization and Establishment (Working for Accessible Renewable Maryland Thermal Heat (WARMTH) Act)" 
  • HB 505/SB 682 – “Limitations on Cost Recovery by Public Service Companies and Reports on Votes Cast at Meetings of Regional Transmission Organizations (Utility Transparency and Accountability Act)”
  • HB 516 – “Climate Crisis and Environmental Justice Act of 2024” 
  • HB 554/SB 583 – “Investor-Owned Utilities – Prevailing Wage” 
  • HB 579/SB 474 – “Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity and Related Approvals - Definition of Generating Station (Critical Infrastructure Streamlining Act of 2024)” [OPPOSE]
  • HB 660/SB 169 – “Green and Renewable Energy for Nonprofit Organizations Loan Program and Fund”
  • HB 731/SB 548 – "Natural Gas – Strategic Infrastructure Development and Enhancement (Ratepayer Protection Act)”
  • HB 864 – “Energy Efficiency and Conservation Plans (EmPOWER Reform)” (sign on) 
  • HB 905 – “Sales and Use Tax Exemption – Qualified Data Center Personal Property – Eligibility”
  • HB 1193 – “Environment – Coal Combustion By-Products” (sign on)
  • HB 1256 – “Electricity – Tariffs, Distributed Energy Resources, and Electric Distribution System Support Services (Distributed Renewable Integration and Vehicle Electrification (DRIVE) Act)”
  • HB 1272 – “Department of the Environment – Cap-and-Invest Program – Establishment”
  • HB 1435/SB 783 – “Renewable Energy – Net Energy Metering Aggregation, Solar Renewable Energy Credits, and Taxes on Solar Energy Generating Systems (Brighter Tomorrow Act)”        
  • SB 958 – “Responding to Emergency Needs from Extreme Weather (RENEW) Act of 2024" (sign on)
  • SB 1023 – “Maryland Building Performance Standards – Fossil Fuel Use, Energy Conservation, and Electric – and Solar-Ready Standards (Better Buildings Act of 2024)” 
  • SB 1083 – “Public Utilities – Electric Distribution System Planning - Regulations, Plans, and Fund”

Environment, Cross-Cutting

  • HB 24/SB 96 – “Environment – Impact of Environmental Permits and State Agency Actions” 
  • HB 91 – “Fossil Fuel-Powered Lawn and Garden Care Equipment – State Purchase, Use, and Contracts – Prohibition”
  • HB 1147 – “Environment – Playground Surfacing Materials – Prohibitions” 

Environmental Justice

  • HB 516 – “Climate Crisis and Environmental Justice Act of 2024” (also filed under climate heading)
  • HB 842 – "Environmental Justice – Investment in Infrastructure Construction

Natural Places

  • HB 22/SB 178 – “State Highway Administration – Vegetation Management – Pollinator Habitat Plan” 
  • HB 228/SB 259– “Natural Resources - Maryland State Parks - Funds and Plan Alterations” (follow-up to Great Maryland Outdoors Act)
  • HB 305/SB 405 – “Outdoor Lighting - Standards and Use of State Funds”
  • HB 655/SB 546 – “Environment – State Wetlands – Shoreline Stabilization Measures" (sign-on)
  • HB 729 – “Nontidal Wetlands – Protection of Vernal Pools (Vernal Pool Wetlands Protection Act of 2024)”
  • HB 991/SB 1074 – “Agriculture – Food Processing Residuals Utilization Permit – Establishment" (sign on)
  • HB 979/SB 915 – “Biodiversity and Agriculture Protection Act” 
  • HB 1101/SB 653 – "Clean Water Justice Act" (sign-on) 
  • HB 1129/SB 902 – “Wildlife – Protections and Highway Crossings” 
  • HB 1165/SB 969 – “Stream and Watershed Restoration – Stream Restoration Contractor Licensing and Chesapeake and Atlantic Coastal Bays Restoration and Funding (Whole Watershed Act)” 
  • HB 1190 – “Pesticides – PFAS Chemicals – Prohibitions” 
  • HB 1284 – “Wetlands and Waterways Program – Stream Restoration Projects” 


  • HB64-“Motor Vehicle Excise Tax – Tax Credit for Electric Vehicles - Eligibility”
  • HB 135- "Transportation – Maryland Transportation Authority – Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety and Accessibility"
  • HB 150 - “Vehicle Emissions Inspection Program and Diesel Vehicle Emissions Control Program - Fees and Fines”
  • HB 156- “Electric Bicycle Rebate and Voucher Program – Establishment”
  • HB 198, SB 126 -"Transportation - WMATA Operating Assistance - Alteration (Maryland Metro Funding Act of 2024" (sign on)
  • HB 689 "Electric Vehicles – Repeal of Excise Tax Credit and Establishment of Rebate Program"
  • SB 826-Vehicle Laws - Bicycles - Operation at Intersections
  • HB 836, SB 681- "Major Highway Capacity Expansion Projects - Impact Assessments and Mitigation Plans (Transportation and Climate Alignment Act of 2024)"
  • HB 889, SB 695- "Building Code – Construction and Significant Renovation of Housing Units – Electric Vehicle Parking Spaces"
  • HB 950- "Maryland Transit Administration - Locally Operated Transit Systems - Mandatory Funding"
  • HB 955 - "Motor Fuel Tax Rates - Consumer Price Index Adjustment - Repeal" [OPPOSE]
  • HB 956- "Public-Private Partnership (P3) Oversight and Accountability Act"
  • HB 1008-"Fossil Fuel Transportation Fee and Mitigation Fund (Climate Pollution Reduction Fund Act)"
  • HB 1025, SB 841- "Transportation - Motor Fuel Tax Rates, Vehicle-Miles-Traveled Tax, and Farebox Recovery Requirement (Transportation Equity, Fairness, and Privacy Act of 2024)" [OPPOSE]
  • HB 1070- "Maryland Transportation Authority - Tolls - Collection and Use (Maryland Toll Rate Reform Act of 2024)"
  • HB 1199, SB 891 -"Transportation - MobilityLink Paratransit Service Improvements - Study" (sign on)
  • HB 1215- "Transportation Financing - Retail Delivery Fee and Transportation Network Company Impact Fee (Transportation Funding Act of 2024)"
  • HB 1247, SB 1063- "Environment - Advanced Clean Cars II Program - Application and Enforcement" [OPPOSE]
  • HB 1360- School Bus Transition - Propane-Powered School Buses - Grant Program, Fund, and Purchase [OPPOSE]
  • SB 484- "Land Use - Affordable Housing - Zoning Density and Permitting (Housing Expansion and Affordability Act of 2024)"
  • SB593- "Transportation – Maryland Transportation Authority – Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety and Accessibility"
  • SB 782- "Motor Fuel Tax Rates - Consumer Price Index Adjustment – Suspension by Board of Public Works" [OPPOSE]
  • SB 943- "Vehicle Laws - Bus Obstruction Monitoring Systems (Better Bus Service Act of 2024"
  • J00 – "Maryland Department of Transportation Overview" (budget testimony)
  • J00A0104 – "MDOT WMATA - Operating Budget" (budget testimony)
  • J00H01- "MDOT Maryland Transit Administration"


  • HB 412 – “General Assembly – Special Election to Fill a Vacancy in Office” 
  • HB 423 – “Montgomery County – Voting Methods MC 1-24” 
  • HB 563 – “Election Law – Local Boards of Elections – Language-Related Assistance” 
  • HB 627 – “Election Law – Automatic Voter Registration – State Correctional Facilities”
  • HB 769 – “Local Public Campaign Financing – Expansion to Additional Offices”
  • HB 1022 – “Election Law – Incarcerated Individuals – Voting Eligibility and Access (Voting Rights for All Act)” 
  • HB 1088/SB 605 – “Election Law – Automatic Voter Registration – Alterations”
  • HB 1109/SB 1029 – “Election Law – Registered Voter List and Petitions (Ballot Petition Modernization Act)” 
  • HB 1356 – “Candidates for Village Board or Columbia Council in a Village of Columbia – Reports of Donations and Disbursements Ho. Co. 10–24”
  • SB 29 – “Special Elections – Procedures and General Assembly Vacancies and Ties”

Zero Waste

  • HB 1/SB 325 – “Maryland Paint Stewardship” 
  • HB 168 – “Environment – Plastic Products – Postconsumer Recycled Content Program” 
  • HB 173 – “State Buildings and State Highways – Collection of Yard Waste” 
  • HB 455/SB 677 – “Comptroller – Electronic Tax and Fee Return Filing Requirements”
  • HB 457 – “Synthetic Turf Chain of Custody” 
  • HB 735/SB 642 – "Maryland Beverage Container Recycling Refund and Litter Reduction Program”
  • HB 830/SB 686 – “Environment – Covered Electronic Devices Recycling Program –
  • HB 841 – “Plastic Bottle Waste Reduction – Water Bottle Filling Stations and Reporting”
  • HB 1318 – “Solid Waste Disposal Surcharge and Wasted Food Reduction and Diversion Fund and Grant Program – Established” 
  • HB 1355 – “Mattress Stewardship Program”

* Click here for the 20232022 and 2021 legislative testimony pages.

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