Lobby Week Kickoff - A Success!

lobby week kickoff 2021
We are thrilled to report that over 200 environmental and social justice champions joined our January 28 Lobby Week Kickoff! 
The evening started with a video of last year's Lobby Night and welcome messages from the event organizers and chapter chair and director. Then the legislative chair opened the part of the meeting about the core bills we are supporting, mostly in the areas of clean transportation, zero waste, climate change, and a just transition off coal.

This year we were lucky to have inside perspective from a former delegate who shared tips on how to speak to legislators. Zoom room breakout groups then met with district captains to discuss how they would share the messaging at the meetings with their local delegates and senator. Captains also oriented everyone to the online resources for Lobby Week, and then all returned to the large Zoom room for a question and answer session and closed out with the video and music. 
optimistic participants
What a terrific evening! Thank you so much to all who organized, presented, managed the tech, and participated so enthusiastically! We felt the Lobby Week spirit live on the Zoom even though we couldn't be together in person this year! 
Onward to Lobby Week 2021! 
ready for lobby week 2021