The election is over, but the work continues.

Shruti Bhatnagar & cohorts 2019 Save our Planet theres no planet B web2This year, over 1000 Marylanders joined thousands of other Sierra Club members across the county to mobilize to elect strong environmental leaders.  Many of you volunteered for the first time, and this unprecedented support helped us achieve many important wins.  But the work doesn't stop here.

Powered by our volunteer activists, Sierra Club, Maryland Chapter works year-round to ensure all Marylanders have access to clean air, clean water, and a healthy community.

We hope that everyone who got involved in our elections work will join us in our ongoing grassroots organizing in Maryland. We've created this blog as a cheat sheet on how to get more involved following the election and we will continue to update it through the end of 2020. 

Find Up To Date Events on our Calendar.  Most of our events are up our calendar. This will include education events, virtual outings, and meetings of our Groups and Teams.  

The two most best ways to get involved are to get active in your local Sierra Club Local Group or join a Campaign Team. Maryland is home to 10 local Sierra Club “Groups”, which is our lingo for our most local way of organizing. Each Group represents one or a few counties and advocates for environmental protection at the local level.  Here is the contact for our local Group leaders, feel free to just reach out, introduce yourself, ask when the next meeting is, and get involved.  Campaign teams are organized around issues (such as clean energy or zero-waste).

2.         Get involved with the Sierra Club. 

Here are the best contacts for local groups and some of the upcoming meetings and events. You can find other 

Anne Arundel Group
Next meeting/event

Catoctin Group (representing Frederick and Carroll Counties)
Contact:  Paul Walker,
Next meeting/event: Sat Dec 4, 10:00 am.  link

Greater Baltimore Group
Contact:  Deborah Spice Kleinman,
Next meeting/event: December 15th, 7:00 PM.  Link
Baltimore Tranist Equity Solidarity Action, Dec 21, 6:30PM link

Howard County Group
Next Group mtg  January 7th, 7:00 - 8:30.  Link

Lower Eastern Shore Group
Contact:  Susan Olsen,
Next event: Help track reusable bag usage - shopper survey training. Dec 3, 7:00 - 8:30 link

Montgomery County Group
Contact: Shruti Bhatnagar, or fill out their volunteer interest survey.
Next meeting/events: TBD

Prince George's County Group
Contact:Janet Gingold
Next meeting/event: December 6th, link

Southern Maryland Group (representing St. Mary’s, Charles, and Calvert County)
Contact: Ben Hance,
Next group mtg: December 8th, 7:00 PM link
oal and Environmental Justice in Southern Maryland-  December 9th, 7:00 - 8:30 link

Washington County Group
Contact: Eric Schwartz
Next meeting/event: TBD

3.     Get involved in an issue team

Find a full list of our issue teams here

Upcoming team events.

  • Natural Places Monthly Meeting with Rain Gardens Speaker.     Sat 11/21/20, 2:00 PM.  Contact Lily Fountain (301) 442-5854

  • Transportation Committee Meeting  Nov 30th, 7:00 PM  link

  • Clean Renewable Energy Team Meeting- December 3 6:00PM First Thursday of each month

  • Zero Waste webinar: What Packaging EPR means for Haulers & MRF Operations link