Latest Natural Places News

beautiful scenery with mountain and streamThe latest issue of the Natural Places News is hot off the presses (or computers). This is the monthly newsletter of the Maryland Sierra Club Natural Places Committee.  As always, their mission is to explore, enjoy, and protect natural areas in Maryland, and support the Natural Places Committee members.    Please note, you can read earlier editions here

Our next meeting will be Saturday, May 16th, 2:30pm - 4:30pm on Zoom. We hope you can join us! ​Register here​.

In addition to upcoming events and resources you can use, here are some highlights of the articles included.

  • Nature's Restoration of Balance on our Interconnected Earth
  • Indigenous Wisdom for a Modern World
  • Environmental Justice and Racial Justice are Intertwined
  • Eco-Advocate of the Month
  • Human Activities and the Emergence of the Pandemic
  • Safe Distancing on Trails
  • Maryland Edible Wild Plants


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