Sierra Club statement in independent candidate mailing in 9B

Contact:  Josh Tulkin,, 650-722-3171

Date: June 20, 2018

On Monday, June 18, the Sierra Club Maryland Chapter learned that the Sierra Club had been referenced in a negative political mailing sent to residents of district 9B.  The mailing was sent by Alan Schneider, a member of the Howard County Sierra Club Group, and the mailing mentioned Sierra Club endorsement in the mailing.

We want to express for the record that this mailing does not represent the views of the Sierra Club and we do not condone this negative campaigning.  The mailing was NOT sent by or authorized by Sierra Club or the Sierra Club Maryland Chapter PAC.  The authority line at the bottom of the mailing explicitly states that the mailing was sent solely by Alan Schneider.  No one in Sierra Club leadership, except Alan, was aware of the mailing.

We are conducting an inquiry into the incident and may have more to share at a later time.  Alan Schneider remains on the Howard County Executive Committee, but will not be representing the Sierra Club in any political activity pending resolution of this issue.

June 22nd Update: 

In response to some inquiries, I want to be clear that the Sierra Club continues to support Dan Metinger for Delegate in District 9B.