Take Action to #StopTheIncinerator December 15



My name is Destiny Watford. I am a Curtis Bay resident and am taking the lead in my community for environmental justice and human rights. For the past 4 years I have been working with fellow community members to replace the plan to build the nations’ largest trash burning incinerator less than a mile from 2 schools with positive alternatives.

I want you all to mark down Tuesday December 15th at 4pm on your calendar as a crucial day for the future of Maryland and the most critical day yet in our fight to stop the incinerator. Our fight to stop the incinerator is far from being over. In fact, Energy Answers has claimed that they’re going to start construction in 2016 despite the fact that Baltimore City and 22 public entities have withdrawn their support, and despite the vast number of community members that have stated that they do not want the project to continue and have been developing positive alternatives.

On top of all of this, Energy Answers permit, which they need to construct, has expired. Despite all this, the incinerator still plans to continue. The Maryland Department of the Environment, MDE, whose sole job is to protect the environment and the lives of ALL Marylanders, is allowing the project to continue. MDE’s own site inspection reports confirm that Energy Answers has discontinued construction for over 18 months (photo of EA site below) which means, right now - as you’re reading this - their permit has expired. So, why has MDE not taken action?

Energy Answers site

Since August, we’ve consistently asked MDE to enforce the law. We sent letters, over a thousand people signed petitions (sign on now!), people created video testimonies stating why the incinerator shouldn’t be built and their longing for positive alternatives to it. Since then, MDE’s response has been silence. When thousands of people express concerns about a project that would put their lives and lives of the people they love at risk - and has been recognized nationally as a major environmental justice issue - silence is not an option. With the unrest and uprising in Baltimore, deep-rooted injustices have been exposed. The incinerator is one of many. The world is watching Baltimore and how we respond to the injustices we face. For MDE to remain silent is unacceptable. So, how do we break this silence?

All of those petitions, letters, and video testimonies are serious acts of democratic participation that come with an expectation. We’ve waited long enough for a simple response. Now, we are giving MDE a deadline - Tuesday December 15th to enforce the law.

On December 15th, every single person who has taken the time to share their concerns and expectations with MDE--including a busload of students from Ben Franklin High School--will follow through on them. Everyone who has been involved in this fight will come together at MDE headquarters (big Montgomery Park Building below) to demand that MDE do the right thing, act on the facts, and enforce the law.

It’s time to act. Sign up for the event now: http://www.unitedworkers.org/maryland_department_of_the_environment_enforce_the_law

WHEN: Tuesday December 15th 4pm
WHERE: MDE headquarters, Baltimore MD 21230 (Exact gathering location TBA)
RSVP: http://www.unitedworkers.org/maryland_department_of_the_environment_enforce_the_law

I look forward to seeing you there!

Oh, and please spread the word about Tuesday Dec 15th! Forward this email to your network along with the link to RSVP to the action! http://www.unitedworkers.org/maryland_department_of_the_environment_enforce_the_lawhttps://www.sierraclub.org/maryland/blog/2015/11/take-action-stoptheincinerator-december-15th